Chapter 24: Remember Me

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Tuesday, February 13th, morning

Adrien walked down the stairs to their dining room. His mom and dad were already at the table discussing plans and upcoming events. 

"Gabe, we really need to speak with that one designer." Lily reached over the table to grab the coffee pot and pour herself a cup.

"The one who was being inappropriate with the models or the one who ordered 10,000 yards of fabric instead of the 10 we needed to finish the skirts on the 5th line of the spring outfits ." Gabriel put down his cup and rubbed his head. "Idiots everywhere."

"Hi Mom, dad!" Adrien walked over to them, gave his mom a kiss on the check, and sat down across from his mom, on his dad's left side.

Lily groaned. "Hi sweetie. I was talking about the one being inappropriate, but there was one who misordered the fabric?"

"Sadly." Gabriel turned to Adrien. "So the board meeting today has been postponed to tomorrow afternoon, we already got in touch with your fencing instructor and have scheduled a short private lesson today since you're missing tomorrow for the meeting."

"What happened?" Adrien asked. Both his parents seemed on edge by the question. Gabriel pushed his lips together, and Lily tapped her fingertips on the table.

"Oh, nothing big. We just have a last minute meet-up with a potential new steamstress. Only time that worked was today." Lily calmed responded after a minute. "You had thing with your friends planned for after the meeting so you could join them a bit earlier now!"

"Oh, that's good." Adrien started eating his breakfast, the change in schedule leaving his mind as he chewed on his croissant. 

A few minutes went by, Nathalie showed up to have a bite to eat before work, and then Adrien left to get driven to school.  Nathalie was on her laptop, checking the plans for today when she saw the change.

"Gabriel, Lily, you mentioned the board meeting needing to be moved to tomorrow, but what happened to the slot of time in our scheule. It's sectioned off, but doesn't have a title for what is occuring."

"Don't worry about it. Nathalie." Lily smiled at her friend.

"We're just meeting an old friend. Ran into them last second and this is the only possible time before they leave Paris." Gabriel lied.

Nathalie nodded. "Anyone I might know from our college?" She looked up and saw Lily was tapping her fingers, a trait that showed she was nervous. Weird. Nathalie thought.

"No, it's someone from Gabe's and my high school."

"Okay. Well before that, I put in the meeting for the designer issue, but there wasn't enough time to talk to both today because there's a short conference with finances just to go over the usual."

Nathalie went on with the day's schedule, along with other big meetings Gabriel and Lily had during the week that, unlike the board meeting, couldn't be moved. 

Time ticked by until it was time for Gabriel and Lily's meeting old friend.


"Are you sure this is the right move?" 

Gabriel looked over to his worried wife. "We won't know 'til we're there." He responed.

They were driving to the address this Master Fu gave them. They looked it up online, and couldn't find much information on it. They were going in basically blind, again. Gabriel stopped the car in front of a small apartment complex. They stepped out, and headed in.

Tales of the Bug and Cat: Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें