Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

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                She is one of the items that the Vicinity Tribe made—though I'm not sure which. You know that the Vicinity Bracelet was our item—so you have to find hers. Until then the Shadow Monsters will perish and she grows stronger from their defeats."

                This wasn't good then it meant that every single time we defeated a monster then she grew stronger. Every time we fought to defend ourselves—she grew stronger. It sounded like the most unfair fight of all. She was at an advantage if we fought them and she was at another advantage if we lost.

                "So what are we supposed to do?' I asked curiously.

                She stared at me—her blue eyes tranquil as she answered clearly—sadly and carefully, "I don't know—I can't help you with something that there isn't an answer for. I've tried my best and I can think of nothing. I suppose the best option for you now is don't die."

                Suddenly I felt the uneasy awareness around me—the only awareness that I get when I'm dreaming.

                "How do I know that I'm not just imagining this and its just a dream?"

                "You won't—you'll just have to trust me."


                After the blinding light yesterday Chloe had been so worried they had stayed inside their home for the entire day. She was scared for her niece and nephew.

                "Oh, I wish Sissy weren't so upset!" Iris said, her big  green eyes beginning to water. Their Aunt Chloe had been in a worrisome fit all afternoon. She didn't mention why, and Ian was just as saddened by the depression of their Chloe 'Sissy.' Suddenly Ian's brown eyes grew wide with interest as he spoke.

                "I've got an idea—let's go get Sissy something!" Iris stared at him, twirling her short brown hair with interest,

                "You mean like flowers or something? Sissy loves pink flowers..." She replied.

                Ian brushed his reddish orange bangs back with his free hand as a smile appeared on his face.

                "I know just the place for some!" He said with a laugh.        


                Wham...I heard the slam of a car door loudly. I sat up out of my sleeping bag and I dashed swiftly into wolf form. My eyes wide—I let out a deep growl.

                Breanna and Taiya stared at me wide eyed—they were eating breakfast. "What's wrong?" Taiya asked.

                My body was shaking, "It was...a dream?" I heard swift footsteps and Yusei and Seto stared at me.

                "Well looks like you weren't kidding about the wolf part," Yusei stated.

"What's the matter?" Seto asked staring at me in unison.

                "I think I have some bad news." I said and they looked at me.

                "What is it?"  Seto asked, "What could possibly be wrong?" He sounded a bit sarcastic with the last part.

                "Only one of the worst possible situations imagined." I said and slowed my breathing—then I focused as I eased back into human form.

Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora