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"Today, I thought it would be a good practice to work on a Spanish text and translate it. Are you all fine with it?" The professor asks, glancing into the round of his students.

"Yes," comes as an answer from everyone, already looking forward to translating it. The majority of the class likes to translate as they can be on the phone, looking up words they don't understand, or just listening to music while translating. A perk about translating the words they don't understand, either with a dictionary or with a phone, is the fast-learning process. Many can pick up on new vocabulary words faster this way.

Those lazy asses, who are not liking the topic, mostly sit and chat on the phone.

Guess they have yet to do it this time.

"Very well then. Please hand them in at the end of the lesson. You will be given a mark on the translation. I will be looking forward to them." The professor says and hands the worksheets out.

Many students start instantly writing on a laptop they brought, which only gets Jimin to shake his head in disbelief. How can people be so careless when they want to work in that field eventually? There are rules for translating; did they forget that?

The translation should give back the sense and nothing else other than the sense. It should convey the experience of the original and give the readers the same effect on the translation as for the original.

Jimin's eyes scan the text shortly and begin to analyze sentence for sentence. He works through the text and is almost done with it when the sudden giggling of a girl behind him catches his attention.

"Have you heard about what happened at the party? I heard Jungkook had another one-night stand. This time it was a male," one girl says with an irritated voice, clearly not liking the rumor.

"I didn't know that he likes men now." Another girl gasps, taken aback by it and with a hint of disgust in her voice. Jimin's eyes are pinned on his worksheet as he attentively listens to their conversations. His grip tightens around the pen, and his knuckles turn white when a flash of memories of what happened to him a few days ago appears in his mind.

Since that night, he hasn't seen the alpha. Jimin has wondered what the alpha would be doing to appear so busy. Jimin also has fantasized about what it would be like to see him again, regardless how tired and dirty he felt that morning, till he had a shower. He's unsure if that's the mate effect and if the alpha is also wondering what Jimin is doing.

Poor person, whoever fell for Jungkook's trick that night..., he thinks, getting the feeling how the other must feel.

"Do you think he might be bi?" The girls' conversation continues, and Jimin finds it interesting enough to listen to the answer.

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