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Ready for the next chapter in
Jimin's life?

Longer chapter ahead. I guess at this point, it's almost normal to expect a longer chapter update 🙈

Huffing, moaning and the moving of heavy things can be heard through the apartment building. Jimin initially found it ridiculous not to be allowed to assist because in the end it's his apartment and everyone is there to help him. The very least he could do is help to carry a few things. But no.

And so it happens that Jimin stands near the entrance, tenacious and a pout on his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest. The world is against him, he concludes. Taehyung doesn't even bat an eyelash as he tells him it's for the best. The pregnant omega gasps and seeks help in the faces of Hoseok and Jungkook, to his dismay they all have the same opinion, leaving Jimin no choice other than to stupefyingly step out of their way and glare at them from time to time. The sight entices a titter from Jungkook.

The omega's undivided focus, on the other hand, leaves him with no time to prepare for the vicissitudes of the situation. His gaze shifts to the newly exposed skin in the corner of his eyes, and he temporarily chokes on air as his knees weaken.

His blue hair flatters in the wind and under the winter sun, the hair concealing his eyes as if wanting to prevent him from ogling. Jungkook pulls up the hems of his jacket before tackling and carrying a box to the lift. The brown-haired male doesn't mind, Jimin seems to devour him with his eyes the second his muscles protrude through the jacket.

"Should have hired a moving company," Jimin suddenly blurts out as he notices how many objects his friends are carrying and how heavy they are. He feels bad not being able to help.

"You know you can't afford it, bub." Hoseok reminds him and together with Jungkook, tackles a bigger box. It makes his heart emollient seeing his friends work together to place the box in the elevator. It has been an emotional journey to get to where they are today and Jimin understands. Completely.

If he were in his friends' shoes it would take time to accept the past, the current situation, and moreover the alpha of the unborn baby. Especially when everything started out as a one-night-stand, but he can see that not only them but also Jungkook tries and that counts.

"Besides, isn't it better this way? You get to see me lifting boxes." Jungkook teases him, but it's so quiet that only Jimin can hear it and yet blushes and covers his cheeks in an attempt to hide them.

"Minnie, why don't you go up to your apartment and start to put away the utensils for the kitchen?" Taehyung inquires and hopes to divert the omega's attention away from his pouting.

"Sure!" Jimin voices out with fervor and takes the elevator upstairs where he perceives different boxes standing in the doorway. He takes one that isn't all too heavy and begins by putting away cutlery and cups. It's not much he has so far. He got some things from Hoseok and Taehyung when he made his decision to move into an apartment alone. It took him quite some time to ruminate and come to that decision. Nonetheless, everyone has been supportive.

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