|𝟐𝟔| 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

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Important note - I edited the "heat" scene in ch 24 and simply made it a "sex drive" scene. (It remained almost the same.)

Tw: harassment. (I'm not sure if it's harassment but I better put it just in case)

5,600 words <3

"One caramel macchiato to go, please," Jungkook says as it's his turn to order from the coffee shop counter. The female employee looks at him, her gaze then wandering to the staple of cups, where she grabs one paper cup and writes down the choice of beverage he orders with the pen from her side pocket. Jungkook notices the employee glancing up at him and deduces the employee's intention behind it, but he ignores it. He isn't at all interested in her.

"Is there anything else you want to order?" The female's voice is lower than her gaze lingers on the alpha, her cheeks flushed with pink.

Jungkook's eyes are drawn almost instinctively to the menu, where Jungkook scans the other beverages as if he did it every time. He wants to say 'no, thanks' when his gaze settles on a specific beverage. With a faint smile that's present on his lips, the male turns back to the employee and opens his mouth, a source of happiness in him.

"Add one hot chocolate to go. That would be all."

Her pen hovers over the side of a paper cup she holds in a hand and notes down the type of beverage. She maintains quiet while preparing the beverages, but Jungkook should have known that he would be unable to leave the coffee shop without a number on the cup.

Paying the right amount of money, the alpha exits the coffee shop with a frown on his face and twists the cup with his palm to cover the adhesive marker writing. Hopefully, it is not apparent, and he will not unintentionally unveil it. Jungkook doesn't want to imagine what Jimin would think if he saw it.

The football star promised himself a few days ago that today would be one of his happiest days and that nothing and no one would ruin it for him, and Jungkook intends to keep it that way.

Because he would see his baby today - well, not literally, but through a monitor. His own flesh and blood. Jungkook can't contain his inner enthusiasm in check, overplaying the underlying agitation. Over the past few weeks, he and Jimin have chatted frequently, and Jungkook can't think of a day when he hasn't thought of this day to come. Marking the date red on the small calendar that's situated on his desk, did the trick for making it feel real.

With a little leap over the curb, he marches straight towards the hospital, where he will meet the omega. This time he even left a little early to get a coffee and grab Jimin even a hot chocolate, wishing that he can secretly surprise him with it and that he will be able to draw a smile on his face. Because the omega looks pretty with a smile on his lips, and Jimin deserves to get pampered and cared for.

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