Chapter 2 Kidnapping

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Me being me I had to go take a lot. 

I'll admit I'm a nosy kind of person, But first I needed to make sure that the Coast was clear from anyone seeing me sneaking over there to see.

I look around my area, bobbing my head up and down.

Alright no one is here to stop me.

Tipping toeing my way over towards the side of the wall where the doorframe of the living room was.

Peeking only half of my head into the room to get a good look at the people inside.

In the middle of the room I could see Brian and his Father standing beside each other with men of all different ages surrounding them.

As I take a better look I was trying to see if their was anyone else that I knew of in the room.

"Old guy, old guy, old guy, oh wow look at that one he looks HOT Oh oh there is another hotty. Holly shit some of these guys are really good looking."

Slapping myself in the face " Focus stop acting like a horny dog, you got a man."

Ok ok ok closing my eyes and shaking my head.

Breath in and breath out, you got this girl.

Peeping back into the room I found someone else that I knew of.

My boyfriends best friend was in the room.

Nick who is Brians best friend was standing in between two older gentlemen who looked like they where made of money.

Those gold chains and rings and watches that they had on screamed that I am a rick mother fucker and don't fuck with me.

Shhh I tell myself lets listen.

"Gary how about this, I have two gun shipments coming in next week so I'll give you both shipments and I'll also throw in $20,000."

"Hmmm, that's not a bad deal." Brian's father said to the older gentleman who was on Nicks right side.

If I had to guess I say he has to be in his 60.

"Dad are you fucking kidding me? Brian looks at his father. You want to give Carly up for that cheap-ass deal?"

"What?" I said out loud but not to loud for others to hear.

But I was wrong someone did hear me.

Nick Brians friend was looking straight at me, our eyes had connected.

Please god don't let him rat me out, oh please oh please.

I prayed at that moment.

"My son is right, that does sound like a cheap deal, How about this. Instead of $20,000 you throw in $100,000 dollars and then I'll take the deal. Carly will be yours, But all I wish is for you to marry her before anything happens between the two of you."

My mouth was wide open, I was in complete shock.

I couldn't believe my ears, no wonder these girls were scared and couldn't open up to me.

There, father and brother where sealing them off like they where just a peace of clothing.

These gross ass old farts where monsters child molesters and my boyfriend was all in it too.

"Deal." Said The old man with a big smile on his face as he licked his lips.

"Great ok now onto my next daughter." Gary Brians Father said as he showed them a pitcher of her.

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