
"That's why they chose you! Your songs are what they've been looking for! They want to sing your songs and not mine! Otoya, Nat-chan, Syo, the flirt, Ichinose-san, Masa... Everyone! Everyone wants to sing the songs that you compose! You, Nanami Haruka!" Shimizu panted heavily after she ranted at her friend for the first time.

"Kotone-chan..." In honesty, Nanami was terrified.

"I-I'm sorry... For shouting at you. But it's true. Your songs are totally different than mine... Anyways, think about that suggestion I gave you earlier. I'm sure it'll work out somehow." Shimizu told her, with her bangs covering her eyes.


"I'm really sorry, Haru. I'm tired. You should probably head back to your room and get some shut eye." She said, not looking at her.

She felt her bed shifted but she didn't move from her spot.

Before the door was closed, she heard a soft 'Good night' from her friend.

As soon as Nanami left, Shimizu took off her mask and laid down on her bed.

"I can't believe I just shouted at her..."

The next day, Shimizu has been avoiding her friends, especially Nanami, since she wants to cool off.

During lunch hour, she had bumped into Hyuga.

"Shimizu. Have you decided who's your partner?" He asked. "Today's the deadline. You know what happens if you don't submit the form right?"

"... I don't care anymore." Shimizu softly said but was still heard by her teacher.

"Huh?" Hyuga was totally surprised to hear her say that.

"I said I don't care anymore! You want to disqualify me?! Fine! Go ahead!" Shimizu shouted at him and ran off.

"Oi! Shimizu!" But the girl just ignores the shouts from her teacher.

The students who saw this scene were surprised at the beautiful girl's sudden outburst and wondered what was happening.

"Just what is going on in her head..." Hyuga gave off an exhausted sigh while running his hand through his hair in frustration.

In the evening, when she passed by one of the lesson rooms, she heard someone was playing the piano and a few people were singing to it.

She decided to take a peek inside and saw that Nanami was the one who was playing the piano. Hijirikawa, Ittoki, Shinomiya and Kurusu were singing along the verse.

So she decided to form the group, huh... Where are the other two though? Well, I'm sure they'll appear sooner or later.

As she was deep in thought and was still by the door, she didn't notice that Nanami had spotted her.

"Kotone-chan!" Nanami shouted, stopping her play. Shimizu flinched when she heard her name and the others looked towards the door.

Shimizu was about to run away until she heard Nanami stopped her.


And she did.

She stood by the door as her back was facing them.

"Kotone-chan..." Nanami called out to her.

"I see you've made your decision, Haru. Now to see whether the headmaster allows you or not, depends on your song." Shimizu said, not once turning back to her.

"Kotone-chan... About yesterday..."

"I'm really sorry for suddenly shouting at you, Haru. But I need some time alone. You should continue with the song with the others. I'm sure you'll do great." Shimizu told her and was about to leave but was stopped by Nanami again.

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