"I swear to you I don't even know if I can get that to you!" He said, keeping his hand up in the air still.

"You worked at this store as a cashier for how many long?" I asked.

"4 years," he responded hesitantly.

"You know exactly how to get that footage since you're so familiar with the store for that long, now do your fucking job and give me the footage," I demanded, growing impatient with him.

"I don't know how!" He kept yelling. I rolled my eyes knowing there's only one way to speed up this process.

"Fine, then I guess I have to kill you," I reached into the pocket of the white blazer I was wearing and pulled out a silencer. I screwed it onto the gun and then pressed it against his forehead. His eyes grew wide as he watched my actions. "5....4....3...."

"Okay, okay!" He surrendered before I got to the last countdown. "I'll do it."

"Good boy!" I patted him on the shoulder and pushed him to the seat. "Now get to work and make it quick I don't have all night."

He sat down by the computers. He first typed in a password to unlock the screen. The screen then displayed 12 camera angles, each showing different aisles and parts of the store. He scrolled the mouse and clicked on a tab below the screens that read, "All dates." He then scrolled down to a long list of dates from different security footages. He came across the one that I was looking for. Once he clicked on it, I was shown on screen, walking into the store around daylight, a few weeks back. The video had the time of date, the duration of how long I stayed in the store and the exact second I left. The blonde wig that was found was visible and clear. To make things worse, there was also a video of the license plate number of the car I was driving and the weapons I needed to execute a murder. The evidence is all there.

"I need that as a hard copy along with the camera from the parking lot," I instructed him.

"My manager already seen these footages a while back, if something ends up missing he'll suspect something," he nervously spoke.

"And it'll be your job to take blame," I said to him. Then an idea hit my brain suddenly. "Or you can erase the entire footages of this entire week."

"That's even worse," he responded. "These security videos isn't just to capture people's faces we keep track of it to see what items goes in and out of our store, for inventory reasons too!" He argued with me. He's really brave for a person who has his back against a gun right now.

I spun his chair around so he could get a good glimpse of my face. I forcefully made him make eye contact with me, "Let me tell you a little secret. Between me and you....I have killed two people near this area and one of them is a police officer. I don't know if you know this but that's a crime. The police are currently investigating this area as well. If they walk into this store and see this video footage of me, my life would be in risk and it'll be your fault if you don't erase and give me these footages."

"My job is going to be on the line..." he then answered. I closed my eyes trying to calm my nerves.

"Your life is going to be on the line if you don't erase those footages within 15 minutes."

He turned his chair back to the computer and raise my gun to his head this time. "Do it!" I pushed him aggressively.

A few moments later, he eventually deleted almost all the video footages within the week. He then copied any and all videos of me inside and out of the store onto a spare flash drive which he handed it to me. I also told him to completely shut off the camera that showed the parking lot, incase I needed to get rid of him later on. We silently walked back out the store, I could tell his fear was growing by the second. If his hands weren't shaking, his legs were. The sweat of his forehead made traces on the ground. There is nothing more than I enjoy feeling dominant and powerful. Although, I do feel sorry for the possible trauma I might caused him. Next time he should learn and know never to close a store alone so late at night.

"Can I go now?" He asked once the store was locked. I still can't risk and take the option of letting him go. He looked like the type of run off and tell everything that happened tonight. The most scared ones are the first ones to talk.

"Yes, you can leave. I've got what I needed," I answered with a forged smile. He looked at me slightly confused and surprised but it didn't stop him from immediately walking away from me. I waited till he was a meter away for me to get a good aim of him.

I placed my hand on the trigger and pulled it. I took three shots on his back and he collapsed to the ground. Blood started oozing fast from the wounds. I decided to leave him lying there and let it be a surprise to whoever comes in the morning to open the store. Since there isn't a camera rolling from this end, people won't know it was me who done it. No face, no case.

I walked back to my car with the flash drive clutched to my hands. Now one job is done, I need to find out who's closely working with Michael and get a step ahead of them both.

Michael's POV:

I started off boarding up the windows upstairs in each room. The boards measured up to 1/8 which is a perfect fitting size for the windows to be completely covered. I still as if I'm being watched by her and I don't trust or feel safe leaving the house out in the open like this. I want everything to be blocked and completely sealed so it'll be more difficult for her to spy on me and see my next steps. I thought out and planned hard on what I needed to do in order to make her vanish completely. It's useless of me to sit around and be in a depressive mode. I needed to be defensive and ready for everything she throws at me because I'm more than ready to retaliate and hit harder than she expects.

First I start off with the house. The security system isn't doing enough, boarding and protecting myself is important. Staying hidden from her at all times is important. I've already dug through every corner and walls of the house for any other cameras she might've left. Instead of locking doors like I use to I boarded them up like the windows. The only door that's left without boarders is the front door. I've installed a strong passcode system on the front, making it hard for anyone but myself to get in because the door requires fingerprints as well. If someone was to try and attempt my own fingerprint it would let me know through my phone.

Second, I poured sand on the garage ground and backyard. I've also left a trail a little around the kitchen and the living room. The sand helps pick up on footprints. It will allow me to see if she ends up breaking in. I would see her feet or shoe print almost anywhere on the ground. I would know where she walked and roamed around in the house.

Lastly, I've dug up the greatest protection inside this house. I walked towards the garage and closed the door behind me. Years before moving into this house, my father always pressured me to find resources to protect myself and my family with. He believed that a person could end up in a threatening situation at any given second and moment, he told me being unprepared is the most naive thing to do especially when there's others around you that could possibly put in danger. At the time I thought he was only preaching like that because of the delusion he had with the world or his lawyer mind suspected things to be negative all the time but he was right you never know when you'll be place in danger or when your life will be threatened. So I ended up buying a gun a year after I decided to get married and move out.

Even though, I had no knowledge of using a gun let alone knowing how to shoot one, I guess now is the time to finally learn. I've kept it in a safe, hidden inside one of the storage shelves in the garage. Till this day, Sierra hasn't seen it once. I thought it might scare or freak her out. I've kept it to myself for years and never did I think there would be a day where I have to pull it out. But here we are.

I held it up in front of me. It was empty and the bullets were still in a separate box. I placed my fingers around the trigger. I couldn't picture myself actually pulling it and watching a bullet fly straight out. I couldn't imagine myself watching a person collapse right before me. The thought of it is too haunting.

But I can't help but also think about someone taking my life so carelessly if it came down to it. It's a survival to me at this point. I can't rest until there's an end to this all.


oh i see Michael is plotting 👀 he about to take my sis Veronica out yikes.

also please stay safe wherever you are. the world is experiencing crisis right now. if you live in america, the injustice that's occurring is fucked up. protect yourself and stay safe ❤️


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