Ch.6 Serendipity

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Now, no more playing around right now was the moment of truth. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey," Jimin said. Leaning on the door way all sexy like. I looked at him...this the nerve to come to my door all illegal like- how dare him. "Hey," I said. "Come in". We sat in the love seat. As he was on the way to the love seat, Jimin eyed the box of chocolates. "Chocolate?" "For you", I said. He sat down then I sat down next to him. I took the lid off. Jimin gasped.
"Caramels my favorite!!" He took one and ate one. "Oh my god, so soft." I chuckled at Jimin eating the caramel. We picked up one with his name on it. His hand was on my hand. "", we both said. Jimin smiled. "Here," Jimin said. He smiled. I moved the chocolate with my hand but jimin moved my hand. I was started to get hot. He ate the chocolate from my hand. He held my tiny thumb and licked the excess chocolate from it. I WAS AT MY BOILING POINT.
Park Jimin, you make my blood boil!! "Very good, very good chocolate", he said. He looked at my tiny thumb. He spreads my fingers out and put its his hand on my hand. OK. I'm past my boiling point!! Our hands were almost the same size. He put is fingers through my fingers. He pulled me by my hand. Jimin slowly slid his hand on my shoulders and moved to my hand and slid his fingers through mine. "Mm-Jimin," I muttered. I looked into his eyes, his sweet chestnut eyes which reminded me of Serendipity. "My heart....", Jimin muttered. "What about it?" "Feel it." "Huh?" Jimin took my hands and put them on his chest. And I know it was a chest pop was just so....he was just so.... "Bum,bum. Bum,bum. Bum, bum," Jimin said. "Can you hear it?" "Yeah," I said. "I think I hear something else," Jimin said. I put my hear close to his chest. "I don't hear anything," I said. "Maybe you should listen more closely and carefully. Here, let me help you." Jimin started unbuttoning his satin polo. I looked down and was at the highest temperature . "Now listen..." He took his hand and took my hand and placed it on his chest. "Love me?" He said. Oh my God

"J-Jimin", I tried to respond. I stuttered. He started to sing Serendipity. His last words were let me love you before— He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, passionately. I was about to turn and run but Jimin grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around closer to him. "Your marked as mine.....forever ", he claimed. "Forever?" I repeated. "Forever", he said back. He put his polo back on but he didn't button it up. We walked back to the love seat. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes were widened. "Um, Jimin could you like um let go?" I asked sweetly. "No. Why would I let you go?" I put my hands on his and tried to move his fingers, but he wouldn't let me go. "Because I—" " I know you, you can't hide from me," he whispered. The boy is trying to make me melt. I started stuttering. "J-Jimin you-I—I", I stuttered. "Your stuttering, yeah you fall for me", he said. "Why don't you return the favor?" "What?" I said confused. "Kiss me", he said. I turned away. "Are you scared, I can help you." I laughed. "Your gonna help me kiss you? That is the stupidest th—" I walked away but Jimin grabbed me by the wrist and kissed me. "You love me don't you?" He said as he touched my face. I put my hand where his hand was. I sighed. "Jimin please go", I said as I pointed at the door. I got the chocolates for him and gave them to him. I opened the door and he stepped out. "I had an interesting time", I said. And closed the door. I didn't want to send him out. He was just so...... I slid my back against the door and sighed lovingly.

• Jimin•
She has it bad for me. She just doesn't wanna admit it. I think she was just overwhelmed. It's not her fault I don't blame her. But at the same time I think I moved to fast with her. I crouched down at the door because I knew she was there. And started singing Serendipity to her. She was just scared to love me I think. But love it's okay because I know she will come to me.
I walked back to my place. I got out my key and opened the door. Everyone was on the couch. "Jimin you're back!!" They all said. "How'd it go hyung?" "Namjoon, how can you not tell? His shirt is unbuttoned. "Give is the deets!" Jungkook said. "Wait!" J-Hope said. J-Hope went to the kitchen and got me water. "Sit. Drink", he said. " You looked flushed a little. Now spill."
I'll visit him tomorrow, I thought. I was still on the floor. I looked at the table and the tea was still there. I'd hate for all of that to go to waste. I didn't drink . So I just put it in the fridge. I took a shower and put pajamas on and went to sleep. Honestly, I felt bad about shutting Jimin out.

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