Ch.2 Welcome to Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷

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The flight was peaceful and pleasant. Well I slept the whole time. My phone buzzed and e-mail from my boss popped on my lock screen.It
was very sweet of my boss to leave a translator for me! I was at Seoul airport and Nari was waiting for me she held up a sign that said Ms. Cartier
"Are you Nari-Jung?" I asked her. "Yes and are you Ms. Cartier?" She asked. "Yes."
"Very nice to meet you and where would you like to go today?" "My hotel room please?" " Ok where is your hotel?""The lotte hotel." "You have expensive taste! Okay then. Follow me to the car."
I followed her with my suitcase and she helped me put them in the trunk. When we got to the hotel we walked through the turnstiles, and to the lobby. She helped me check in, of course I can't speak Korean. "Your room is 117, I heard that one of the biggest rooms," Nari said. We went upstairs and opened the door with a card , the door opened and 3,2,1... THE ROOM IS HUGE. "Dang,"I said under my breath. "Kamsamnida, Nari-Jung". "You're welcome. If you feel like doing anything else today give me a call," She said as she gave me a card.

I wandered Seoul. I wanted to see the sights and I saw them on foot. I saw the biggest nail salon building. I have to do that tomorrow I thought. I wasn't paying attention. I crossed the street. And all I remember is darkness and pain. I was still alive, yes, I am so alive, but what this pain feels like I thought I was dead. This man's voice was in Korean but it was so familiar. Then he spoke in English. "Are you okay?! Oh my gosh. I am so sorry!" And that was the last thing I heard. I woke up in a bed and my head... oh my head... I squinted my eyes. And I looked at my legs the whole side of my leg was scratched up and they were big scratches. They messed my leg up, almost felt like my leg was broken. Another thing that comes to mind was that I'm miles away from home, in Seoul, South Korea, in someone's house that can apparently speak both Korean and English. Good, but not good , I thought. The door cracked open....It was freaking Namjoon from BTS. Now Ithought to myself that I'm dreaming and that I still got jetlag. He was carrying a huge box. I pinched my self and told myself under my breath to wake up. Then he started to speak. I was SHOOK. "Listen I'm so sorry that I ran you over,"he said. I was still shook, eyes widened, and speechless. Then he started to speak Korean, thinking that I don't speak English. "Wave if you speak English." I waved, still shook. His hand reached for my messed up leg. I jerked my leg back. I winced. "Please don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. You're already in pain and I understand your scared. I want to help you. Let me help you. Please. Trust me?" He asked as he held his hand out. I took his hand.
"Okay I'm going to spray this on your leg. Squeeze my hand if it stings, okay?" I shook my head. "Your hands are so tiny, like my hyung, Jimin." "Jimin?!" He gasped. "She speaks!" I laughed. "Done." "You sprayed it already?" "I sprayed it already while you were talking. It doesn't hurt if you don't think about it. But you know Jimin?" "I know all of you now that I know where I am." "What do you mean?" "Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taeyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS." "You're an Army?! No wonder you were so quiet. You were shook! I don't have any big band aids, so I'm going to wrap this bandage around your leg, okay? So can you lift up your leg for me?" I tried it hurts too much. "Can you be brave for me and lift it up even though it hurts? Here, we'll both lift your leg. I shook my head.
"Ready on 3, 1,2,3–." I lifted my leg and he took my ankle and lifted it up and he started to wrapping the bandage around my leg. He started at my knee and stopped at my ankle. "So is Jimin your bias?" I shook my head, yes. "Shhh, don't tell Jimin," I said as I put my finger on my lips. "Oh I won't tell. Who's your bias wrecker?" "Suga." "Can I ask why?" "That boy and his tongue." "Done, does it still hurt?" "Yes, but I can stand." "But you'll be limping, here I'll carry you. He picked me up by the knees and back. I got shook again. "What's the matter?" "I'm pretty shy." "I promise they won't hurt you. What's your name by the way?" I couldn't believe it, Namjoon wanted to know my name! "Keyianni." "Oh, that's a nice name,and your pretty chill for an Army. Other Armies would scream and cry and faint but no your very chill." "Well thank you." "Are you ready to see the rest of BTS?" I shook my head. "I'm sure they're ready to meet you too because they were surprised when I carried you in here." He opened the door and carried me to the living room. They all stared like Namjoon was carrying a ghost. It was quiet. "Um, Anneyeongseo, everyone." "Anneyeong, ", Jimin replied. And no one else. "Namjoon, I know you're The God Of Destruction, but you broke her leg?! Come on hyung, come on now," Suga said. "I didn't break her leg! I just ran over it and stratched it up real bad." Everyone laughed. "Well it's a good thing I don't have to fix it this time, Suga said. "Hyung, you were too surprised to do anything." Namjoon carried me to the couch . And Jimin moved over. He staring at me and turning red and I was shook and got so that makes two of us. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" Suga asked. "No thank you, I really must be going." "Please stay it's the least I could do after running over your leg like that," Namjoon said. "Well alright." "We're having stir fry noodles," Jin said. "I love those!" "A-Are you okay? What happened?" Jimin asked. I was shook that Jimin started talking to me! I smiled and started to get shy. "It was entirely my fault, I wasn't looking where I was I going." "Are you Army?" "Yes," hoping he wasn't going to ask who was my bias next. "You're calm!" "Dinner's ready!" Jin said. I started to get up but I was struggling to. Jimin saw I was having a hard time so he picked me up. I looked at everyone else if they saw this, if they saw how shook I was, I laughed, to see how red Jimin was. But at the same time he was still smiling. Which was so mochi of him. Jungkook made his hands a heart and put it in front of us. Jungkook pulled a chair out for me and Jimin put me down and Jungkook pushed up the chair. Jin came towards me with a bowl of stir fry noodles. "So Keyianni tell us about yourself ", Namjoon said. "Well uh—". "What's your favorite album?" "Love yourself, her and Wings. From Wings I like Lie, Begin, Blood Sweat, and Tears, Cypher 4, Am I Wrong, and 21st Century girl." "Really?, Sing Lie", Jimin said. I covered my face and starting blushing and smiling. "Oh, No thanks, I don't sing for people, I sing for myself." "Aw come on please?" BTS pleaded. I started smiling and putting my hands on my cheeks. "Mochi!!!" They screamed. OH MY GOD, THEY FREAKING THINK I'M CUTE !! "Okay, okay, I'll sing". I cleared my throat. While I was singing I took a glimpse at Jimin he was shook in a good way. And when U finished the song they all clapped. "You have a beautiful voice!" Namjoon said. "Thank you ,Namjoon". I ate my stir fry noodles. "Well thank you for having me but I really must be getting back to my hotel."
"I'll drive you," Jimin said. "Anneyeong, everyone," I said. "Anneyeong," The rest of BTS said. Jimin carried me to the car. Once He put me in the passengers seat, I put my seat belt on. And he got in the drivers seat and started the car and put his seatbelt on. "Where is your hotel?" "The lotte hotel." He carried me inside. "Where is your hotel room?" "117." I got out my key at the ready. And when we reached my room I tapped the lock scan with my card and the door opened. Jimin put me down in the chair. "Oh thank you Jimin." "You're welcome", Jimin replied. Jimin walked out of the room and closed the door. I think the boys got it bad for me. But I think I got it bad for him.

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