𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚

122 12 19

𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲

Cassie was walking down the street after staying at Luisa's for a few minutes after the team had called it a day.

The sounds of her converse making contact with the tar road was all you could hear. She clenched the straps of her backpack. The team hadn't found anything, it was like he had vanished, no traces nothing.

Bailey had updated her earlier saying that everything was ok but the cops weren't leaving anytime soon.

That put some ease on her mind, considering the circumstances.

She felt a sudden chill going down her spine. Like eyes were on her . She looked behind her for a moment before quickening her pace. She froze when she heard the sound of a trash can being knocked over.

That's when she started running, the wind on her face as she sped down the street. Wow, that middle school track team really paid off.

As she ran she felt the energy, the power nearby. It was more than the every day object. So that meant that a Meta, that she didn't realize was nearby.

And that made her run faster.


The minute she got home, Joe and Iris asked why she was panting and the fastest excuse she could come up with was that they played an intense game of Wii tennis before scrambling up the stairs.

The second she got into her room she threw her bag onto the ground before she started pacing around her room and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Cas, what's wrong?" Bailey blurted from Cassies wardrobe making the blonde jump not realizing she was there.

"Bails? Hi! Nothing's wrong, everything is okey dokey." Cassie exclaimed before sitting on her bed.

"Nothings wrong?" Bailey questioned not believing her sister at all.

"Yep." Cassie answered trying to be convincing.

"Really? Then why are you speaking in that high pitch voice you only use when you're panicking or lying. And you never use okey dokey." Bailey's pointed out.

"Pffff I don't do that." Cassie scoffed as her voice went high again and made a face when she realised what she was doing.

"Fine then. Keep your secrets. By the way we're watching a movie in an hour so shower and get comfy." Bailey told her sister before leaving her room with one of her hoodies.


They decided to have some laughs by watching the first 2 Madagascar movies before they all called it a night.

The girls had all gone to sleep. But alone in the darkness with a glass of whiskey in his hand and case files and coloured wool in the other.

Joseph West was currently staying up looking through old case files, scrolling through possible hideouts trying to track down Mason Wickerson. He hadn't slept in days, literally speaking.

I mean what can you do when the life of your daughter was in danger. So he had been spending the last couple days trying to find him.

His head shot up when he heard the screams of the detectives that were on protection duty. He immediately got his gun out of his holster and defensively held it out in front of himself.

He stepped back slowly checking around the room for anyone. The screams had now turned into painful groans.

"Joey..." a voice in the house called as he snickered.

"Mason! Get the Hell out of my House!" Joe warned as he tried following his voice.

"I heard you've been looking for me. I'm behind you genius." Mason hissed before Joe turned around facing his figure.

From what Joe could tell was that he looked different, more muscular and broad. He got rid of those dreadlocks too.

"So hows my dear Bailey doing." Mason smirked making Joe more alert than before.

"You stay away from my daughter!" Joe seethed pointing his gun at him.

"Now..now...now Joseph. I wouldn't dream of hurting my dear Bailey, I love her. You on the other hand."

"You love her? You hurt her... do you know how long she had to go to therapy for?" Joe hissed towards the boy.

"That's beside the point, once she sees me. She'll remember all the fun times we had together and come running back to my arms."

"She'll never! I won't let her, none of us will." Joe snarled back at the teenager.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to fix that won't I?" Mason smirked before he looked into Joe's eyes before his screems filled the room.

He was seeing something that wasn't real, but it was something that terrified him. It was his worst nightmare. And with that Joe's brain reacted in a way to protect him by knocking him unconscious.


Later that night Iris had woken up to come downstairs to find a mess and the lights of cop cars with the sound of knocks on the door.

They told her that they received an SOS from Joe and found the bodies of the detectives outside on their porch.

They searched the house for the older man but to their demise, Joe wasn't there and it was clear to Iris's eyes that it was Mason Wickerson who had kidnapped Joseph West.

Just like


He had

Become worse

than before

Heres chapter 21
Happy 21st birthday Cameron we all miss you and love you ❤❤

So Mason has become.... yeah

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