Chapter Fourteen

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Snakey McSnakeface

"WAIT!" Sirius's cry shocked them so much, Remus instinctively turned it off again. The other two turned to Sirius as he calmly continued, "Is everyone sat comfortably? As we might be here for a while so I  - "

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Remus cut in, turning it back on and putting a finger to his lips as he turned it on.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Don't come crying to me expecting sympathy when you get backache then."

At last they fell silent as the light glowed and the cutting voice of Severus Snape drifted through the room.

" - people are honestly so skin deep. Just because he's conventionally attractive even some of the girls in our house would be willing to let him violate them even though he's got one of the most repulsive personalities I've ever encountered."

Sirius chuckled, "Ouch, I feel personally attacked."

"That's because I think it was a personal attack," Remus replied, "Severus saw you today when you planted the bug, right? You're likely to be on his mind."

He sniggered, "Wow, as if all they do in their meetups is just bitch about me. I'm not even upset, all this means is I'm living rent-free in Snivellus's head."

"That means you've been inside Severus, that's grim."

Sirius pouted, "Now, why have you got to phrase it like that, James - "

"Shh!" Remus hushed them as a girl's voice cut in.

"Wow, if only you worked as hard as you complained, they'd be long gone already, Severus."

Everyone's eyes widened, even Remus, looking between them with horror. James felt his heart sink in his chest at this but forced himself to continue listening.

"I do apologise, you're right. All my friends think the battle's over so you're the only person I can complain to at the moment."

"It's very boring honestly. And you sound very biased just so you know. James's conversation is actually quite nice."

"I'm so glad you think that!"

"What do you want me to do? Lie? It is."

For some reason James couldn't help but smile before remembering the severity of the situation. 

[2] The Zero-Fucks Squad | JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now