Chapter Four

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Hogwarts' very own Coco Chanel

Despite being pleased that they'd got it, James felt it had come at a cost: Lily had definitely twigged that he was lying. It seemed unlikely she'd tell, both of them knew the implications of it and the strain this was caused but her behavior had already changed. The moment they entered the boys' dorm to meet the others, the relief at being able to leave was evident as she practically tackled Exie to the floor.

"I did it, we got the Chrysallisus!" Lily squealed as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend tightly.

They exchanged a smile before Exie tore her eyes away, turning to James, "That's my girl, how did it go? Everything run smoothly?"

James quickly shook off his gloomy feelings, adopting a nonchalant smile, "Slughorn almost caught on but thanks to my ingenious idea of bringing a stink bomb, he's none the wiser ... you owe me a galleon, Sirius."

The boy furrowed his brow, "Huh? We did not bet on this."

"Really because my memory's a bit foggy but I think we did."

Remus grinned, "Funny, I remember that too."

Their target looked between them in horror, "Remus, whose side are you on?!"

"The truth - pay up!"

"Attack Sirius day really is every day, huh," He pouted. James laughed but secretly his insides were twisting as Lily had very deliberately not looked him in the eye at all since they'd got back. After that Exie and Lily disappeared off to the girls' dorm to read some boring book or other leaving the boys alone. 

Honestly, if this was how fifth year was going to be, James may as well just go home now. Why couldn't he just get over it?! He couldn't seem to get over it alone but it was even worse with the girl there - truly a lose-lose situation. Plus his paranoia was at an all-time high, now self-conscious of every single expression he made thanks to his watchful, intelligent friends. It was all just so crap, James almost found himself looking forward to the detention just to get some time to himself.

Since he'd pissed the Professor off so much, James was not surprised when Slughorn announced his detention would be with Professor Cuthbert, famously one of the strictest teachers around. James didn't mind too much though; when you'd been in as many detentions as him you began to realise that even the strictest teachers could be outwitted rather easily...

"You sure you don't want me to get into trouble to join you?" Sirius asked one last time as he finally dragged himself out of bed to go.

"Nah, I've got this ... we both know what Professor Cuthbert's like anyway," James grinned, "I'll be back before you know it, try not to cry yourself to sleep."

[2] The Zero-Fucks Squad | JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now