Chapter Three

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The Ultimate Nerd

"Lily, how would you like to help us out with something - "


Her instant response caught them all by surprise. Sirius and Lily hadn't got on that well the previous year, James never thought he'd see the day when she'd agree to something blindly with so much enthusiasm too. 

Even Sirius looked shocked, "Really? You're in just like that? No lecture about breaking the rules? No protests?"

Lily nodded, "Uh-huh, I know you well enough to know it's nothing malicious so sure, why not."

"Wow, this is way easier than expected - could get used to this," He pointed at the others, "For future reference everyone this is the kind of attitude I like to see."

Exie quickly spoke up, "Lily, be careful, you don't know what it is yet! With Sirius, there's no telling what he might want you to do! Thanks to him I've seen some dark things..." Her face became grave as she relived the trauma but Sirius simply laughed.

"I thought the 'film' was quite well lit actually."

"I wish it wasn't, then I would have seen less," She replied sullenly. Neither Exie nor Sirius had divulged about what the infamous 'film' was but it didn't take a mind reader to guess roughly what it was.

"Exie, it's alright," Lily was practically glowing from the beaming smile on her face, "I want to help you guys out. You've been so great with my friends despite all their quirks so I want to get to know yours better too. This sounds like the perfect opportunity for that. So yes, Sirius, I would love to help."

"Now obviously this plan just came to me so we'll figure out the logistics later but I think it's a good start if I do say so myself. It's fairly obvious that Slughorn doesn't really like any of us too much ... except perhaps Remus but even you're too serious for an old geezer like him, I think. But who does he like?" Sirius pointed dramatically at the redhead. Exie clung to her girlfriend a little tighter, looking earful of the jabbing finger, "You. He'd never let any of us into the office and even if he did, it would be for a horrific lecture. He'd be keeping his eye on us so firmly we could barely move let alone steal something valuable. But if he invites you in for coffee loads - "

"Well, once but I'm sure I could charm my way into another," She grinned, tossing her hair.

"See? Lily could get away with so much more. She could leave the door open so someone could slip in or possibly even steal it herself. Ha, I bet if you asked him for a sample he'd not just give you that but throw in a bottle of wine for the sheer hell of it too."

[2] The Zero-Fucks Squad | JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now