Chapter Two

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Happy Attack-Sirius Day!

Thankfully after giving him a summer of hell, life decided to cut James some slack and give him some good luck. This blessing came in the form of a grumpy Sirius who firmly insisted the train ride was to be Marauders only.

"I'm sorry but I'm not starting Fifth year watching a..." Shivers ran through his body "... couple. If I wanted to torture myself I'd have just stayed at home."

Exie raised an eyebrow, "Because you've been so whiny  next time I see Lily I might just ..." Her eyes turned to James for a fleeting second "... like ... snog her or something."

James quickly turned away so she couldn't catch a glimpse of his face. He'd definitely have to get better at his reactions, if he did this every time someone would suss out his true feelings in no time. 

Sirius raised an eyebrow, "Oh wow, that would really show me!" 

"Well, I was going to say something more graphic but I didn't want to be crude, okay?" 

Sirius elegantly leant against the window, "It's not like you'd follow through anyway. You get awkward when someone says the word sex," Despite clear efforts not to, Exie's face betrayed her discomfort. This only made Sirius grin even more, "Hey Despa-three-toe... sex."

She shuddered again but Remus quickly leapt to her defence, "Hey Sirius... Emotional intimacy."


"Don't doll it out if you can't take it in return," He merely replied, taking a seat.

Sirius returned to staring out the window but this time it was accompanied by folded arms and a moody pout. It had been less than a minute and already a squabble had broke and Sirius had got his feelings hurt. James grinned - he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Now come on, let's not tease Sirius about that - "

"The voice of reason!"

" - when there are so many other better things to take the piss out of instead!" James threw an arm around his best friend, "Like the eternal question of that hair, who does it better, Severus or Sirius?"

He scowled, "I need better friends."

There was little need to catch up on their holidays. For one, they'd all got a lot better at letter writing so it would just be repeating things they'd already knew and two, they never liked to dawdle. As ever it was straight to business on their ongoing plan: The Animagi project.

[2] The Zero-Fucks Squad | JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now