chapter twenty eight

Start from the beginning

"I love you." Louisa pulled away and stepped out of the bed, flipping the blanket back over Matilda and tucking her in.

"I love you too." Louisa snuck back over to her bed and it didn't take long for the two girls who now felt more at ease, to close their eyes and give into their body's needs. Their sleep went unbothered until the early morning, the sun shining onto Matilda's face before something wet hit her face prompting her to quickly open her eyes. Ozmo laid on top of the girl with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and his tail wagging in the air. 

"Okay, okay. Let's go, boy!" Matilda glanced over to see Louisa still fast asleep as their exam was not until midday. She was quick to change and walk with Ozmo down to the lake with a tennis ball clutched in her hand. She grinned as she threw the ball across the grass, her dog running for it at full speed.  She heard someone step beside her, looking to the side to see Sirius Black, sipping on some coffee as he watched the dog with a smile. 

"Shouldn't you be studying?" Sirius asked before bringing the mug back to his lips. Matilda leaned down and threw the ball again, laughing as she did so as the dog zoomed away.

"I should be asking you the same thing? Where are the others?" Sirius tilted his head and leaned down and threw the ball for the dog that had returned, smiling at Ozmo as he happily collected the ball once again.

 "Freaking out over the exam today. I don't really give too much of a toss, to be honest." Matilda nodded, taking a sip of the coffee that Sirius offered to her, frowning at the taste of black coffee on her tongue.

"Fair enough. Do you know what you're gonna do after?" Sirius shrugged as they began to walk back to the castle together, Ozmo carrying the ball in his mouth behind them. 

"My uncle left me some money last year. I think I'll be alright for a while, I think I'll join the fight against Voldemort. I don't think I could really help anywhere else." Matilda nodded as they arrived in the courtyard, noticing that their exam would be starting within the next hour. 

"I'm meeting Louisa, I'll see you at the exam." Matilda waved goodbye to him before walking Ozmo back to the common room before heading to the exam. The mixture of stress and a weird sort of calm was in the air as Matilda spotted James, Remus, and Peter along with Evan and Gabi. It was curious to see how half of them looked extremely stressed and the other half were at a weird neutral calm.

"Hey, Love. Ready?" Matilda nodded as James wrapped an arm around her shoulders, Evan looking wide-eyed at how calm they were. 

"How are you so calm? I'm aiming for Outstanding!" Evan asked frantically, Remus nodding in agreement with stress in his eyes as Gabi laughed and grabbed Evan's hands to calm him a bit. 

"You'll do amazing!  We all are going to."  Matilda smiled and looked back at James before looking at everyone else as Louisa and Sirius joined them, Louisa looking slightly nervous. 

"It doesn't matter if I don't get an outstanding or even an exceeds expectations because as cheesy as this sounds, at least I have you guys. And I finally know what I want to do after." They all smiled back at her, James moving his arm from her shoulder to grab her hand, squeezing it slightly. 

"Yeah, you're right. And yes, that was very cheesy." The group was interrupted by the announcement that the potions exam would be starting and they each entered, some filling out their exams very quickly whilst others stressed over every single question and their every single answer. The Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test was true to its name and by the end of it, every single student was exhausted. James and Matilda walked out of the exam together, both of them talking about how they had done. 

"I actually think I did okay. I certainly don't believe I got an Outstanding but maybe an Exceeds Expectation." James grinned and nodded happily, pleased that they were done with their first exam, although it was the first of many.

"That's great! What did you decide you were going to do after school?" Matilda smiled up at him before leaning into him as they walked through the halls.

"I think I'm going to open a shop, a pie shop." James laughed and picked her up, spinning her around with excitement. 

"I'm so happy for you, love. It's going to be absolutely brilliant!" Even though their exams were not over just yet, they knew that their time at Hogwarts was coming to an end. A bittersweet end.

Wow, y'all really do not like the cursed child hahaha. We're wrapping up the Hogwarts section of this book and I know it seems as if it's moving pretty fast and well it's because it is. I'm having a harry potter marathon tomorrow actually, which I have never done in one sitting which prompts me to ask has anyone else done this and how long does it take because I'm doing a drinking game with half on them and I'm scared I'm gonna be drunk for a whole day ahaha.

Thanks, Queenie.


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