Taehyung: Costume Party

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"Babe I'm ready!" I hear Taehyung shout.

"Give me a sec, I'll meet you in the car!" I shouted, finishing up my makeup. This year, Taehyung decided to be a vampire. I am not sure how he put it all together as I was spending time looking like a banshee in the bathroom. I was now done and complete. So creepy, but beautiful. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the car, locking the door of our house. 

I get into the passenger seat of our car strapping in.

"Okay lets-"


Taehyung was taken away by my look as I was mesmerized by how beautifully haunting he was.

"Am I dreaming?" he asks as he smiles.

"I don't think so." I say

"You look great" Taehyung smiles.

"As do you."

We arrive to Jungkook's Halloween party. The music was blasting, people were dancing, it was a good time. "Hey f/n! Hey Taehyung how are you!" A woman dressed as a mermaid says

"Halsey! Good to see you! I'm great!"

"Please, Ashley is fine. You guys look awesome!" she smiles

"Heyy!" Namjoon and Jimin approaches us in their costumes as well. We were holding good conversations and had a couple of drinks. I felt Taehyungs hands slip around my waste as he rested his lips on the back of my neck.

"You want me to do more?" He whispers.

"What if I say no?" 

Taehyung began to nibble my neck softly. "I'll get a bit more rough, and this vampire won't hold back." he teased.

"You wouldn't, in front of everyone?" I smirked

"You'll find out." His lips were trailing to the side of my neck, and he bit a little harder. It was enough to leave his marks on me. We were in the corner of the room and the dark room with flashy lights, hid what we were doing.

"How drunk are you?" I said with my breath shaking he was pleasing me

"Not as drunk as you. You're okay with this right?" I nodded and he continues to send hickeys all around my neck. 

"Let's take this home." he smiles and we rushed to the car. When we got in the car he held my face and began to kiss me passionately, he bit my lip, and used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in. After a heated make out session, we came to a stop and drove home.

Once the door was locked, he puts his hands on either side of the door, trapping me as I leaded against it. "I'll let you change baby, so we don't smear our makeup. I want you to feel more than just comfortable" he whispers seductively. His hands slide down from the door as he backs away with a smirk on his face.

"Happy halloween babe" he winks.

I didn't hesitate to prepare myself for tonight.

I know this one was a little late, the world has gone to shit. It's hard to write, but I did promise to finish one more week of imagines. Love you all, stay safe, and love yourself

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