Jimin: Peter Pan

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I sat patiently for the show to start. My school's drama program was performing Peter Pan. It's a classic and fun musical. I auditioned for Wendy, but someone else got the part. The lights went down and the show had begun. 

Jimin was Peter Pan. He was perfect for the role, hell he can do any role. Maybe not villains, unless he proves me wrong. I only watch his performances and I'm scared to approach him. I love social anxiety! Sarcasm haha.

The show was coming to a close and Jimin was singing his finale song. 

"In never, Neverland!" he finishes and he flys away with the power of stage wires lifted him from the ground out of the window. The currents close and the applause filled the theater.

"Thank you for watching our last show. It's a bittersweet feeling to wrap up this show after performing for the past month and preparing for it for 3 months" the man playing captain hook said.

"Definitely, I am proud of the cast and crew. There have been so many great moments we've had. I've been in theater since I was a child and I'm here to announce that this was my last show." Jimin announced and the whole crowed awed and the fangirls were crying. 

"Don't be sad, I've gone on a long journey and it's helped me decide what I want to do with my career now that I'm in college. Musical theater for me is staying close to my heart, but I was born to be a dancer. I am looking forward to what the future has in store. This isn't exactly goodbye, I'll be back on the stage soon." Jimin smiled as he held back a tear. The whole cast hugged Jimin on stage.

"Ahh, my heart," I said aloud quietly.

"I'm soft." The girl giggled next to me and we laughed.

There was a line of cast pictures, but I hesitated to go I'll go last, maybe? I gotta meet Jimin.

Wendy was really close to Jimin. He looked almost uncomfortable. I have a feeling she wasn't just there to act, she has other intentions. I was last to see them for a picture. The took a deep breath for courage and approached them.

"Wonderful job you guys!" I complimented

"Thanks, I- f/n?"

"It's been a while?"

"Yeah. Back in 8th grade, we performed Wicked!" He smiled. Is that really only what he remembers from me. How sad. My face drops a little in sadness.

"What did she play? A munchkin?" Wendy said. Um, the fuck that was rude. Oh, I was going to call her out.

" I'm not sure what kind of person you take me as, but I certainly think with your talent, you are perfect for a munchkin." There was so much tension. Jimin coughed to split the tension. I unfurrowed my eyebrows and try to relax

"With your personalities, f/n would be a great tinker bell. And for your information Rose, she was Elphaba." Jimin joked. He laughed awkwardly and Rose glared at me still. Is this jealousy?

"Let's take the picture." I smiled and in the selfie, everyone smiled.

"Jimin may I talk to you, alone?" Rose asked Jimin as I walked away. I was curious what she had to say to him, but I'm just going to mind my business. 

After washing my hands in the bathroom I heard the commotion and two voices. Is that them. I peaked through the crack of the bathroom door and saw Jimin and Rose down the hallway.

"Just because we almost kiss in the show, doesn't mean that reflects it in my real emotions? It's acting. You don't have feelings for me, you have feelings for Peter Pan." Jimin argued.

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