Hoseok: Anxiety

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(This gif is too cute)

Before you read this, I was having a bad day. A really bad day. I wrote this to all who may be in the same boat. This is a way to comfort you guys, I even wrote it to comfort me. I honestly feel like Hobi is one of the best people for comfort. Hell even the BTS members voted him for "most likely to brighten someones day" I  hope he brightens up your day more than the fucking sun.

I write things a head of time, so this happened about a week ago from me posting this. I am still frustrated, but I am doing overall much better. If you've been reading, thank you smmm for getting this far!

"Omma?" I answer the phone.

"Yeah what is it?"

"I am not feeling well, can-

"Yah, I'm not pulling you out of school when you have a presentation."

"Mother for once can you care about me than grades on a paper."

"You're fine! You prepared for it all weekend"

"But I ca-"

"You're staying at school." She said coldly and hung up.

I throw my floor on the bathroom floor in frustration. Anxiety, the feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. Like the first day of school, going to a job interview, or giving a speech may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous. People like me feel it all the time. We can't help it. When our body feels overly anxious, even our immune system can even shut down.

I wash off my face with cold water to try and calm myself down. I stare at myself in the mirror

"You're okay....you're okay....I'm not okay..." I say hopelessly. I grabbed my stuff and made was walking to my next class. I'll just tell my teacherI'm not feeling good and post pone it...if he lets me.

"Mr. Bernard?"

"Yes f/n how can I help you? Hey you alright?"

"No, I am not. That's why I wanted to ask you if I could postpone it to another time this week?" I asked

"I don't normally allow this, but I can see you need a break. We can discuss it tomorrow. I'll give you a pass if you need to step out of class, but you can only go to the library or the forum." he said. I nodded my head as he wrote me a pass. 

"Thank you Mr. Bernard." 

"Feel better." he said as I snatched the note and headed out of the classroom. I felt like I could cry any moment.

"F/n wait up!" I hear. Hoseok...

"You're supposed to present. You didn't even ask to leave." I say note facing him as I hold back my tears.

"I mean I'm teachers pet, so he'll let it slide. Plus I wanna help you." the hoseok gently stops me and grabs my hands.

"You're shaking?" he observes me and tilts my face up with his hand on my chin.

"Aigoo f/n don't cry." he accidentally said in aegyo. I smiled a little. He brings me to his chest and hugs me softly. He went through his bag and pulled out a snickers.

"I was saving it for later, but you need it more than me."

"I guess I'm not me when I'm hungry." I siad. 

We sat down in the library where it was quiet. There was no one else in there but some of the staff.

"What's up f/n?"

"Just my own problems. Mentally, emotionally, you know the whole mental illness shabang" I explained.

"With someone as smart and sweet as you, it hurts me to see you this way. Things will get better. What triggers it, if you don't mind me asking." Hoseok says and strokes my head in comfort.

"Well, I haven't been feeling the best since my mom has been tough on me lately, picking on me. It got to the point that I started feeling sick. I can't tell her how I feel cause she always says how she's right about everything and is stubborn with her views. She never considers me. The only thing that matters more than myself as a person, is what I can achieve academically" I say finishing my snickers.

"She does that cause she wants to be proud of you. But I certainly don't agree with the way she's acting. To me it sounds like she wants you to grow to be better than her, but she's bling to everything you've accomplished already."

"Yeah, and it's like she doesn't think my hard work is enough. Sure there are days that I'm lazy, but I am not just going to fail a class. I have goals!" I agreed with Hoseok. He smiled.

"You can't smile at me like that." 

"Why not f/n?"

"You make me blush Hoseok."

"You two, I better not see you two's faces against each other." The teacher interrupts our conversation..

"Oh no we're not-"

"You've misunderstood-"

We both argued.

The release bell went off and we gathered our stuff and walked out of the building together.

"I guess I'll have to go home to that devil of a woman..." I laughed in defeat.

"Hey, if you ever need anything, just call me. And f/n before you go." Hoseok stops.


Hoseok kisses me on the cheek and smiles.

"Ah how cute! Ummm I am open to anything between you and me. I'll see you tomorrow! Text me when you get home." Hoseok ran to hop on his bike and zoom away. Luckliy my mom didn't see that, she'd be furious I let a handsom man like that kiss me--WHAT AM I SAYING

Hoseok POV






"Hello?" Jimin answeres his phone as I'm walking my bike up the driveway.

"Jimin I just kissed my crush."


"NONONO on the cheek"

"Does she feel the same way?" he asked

"I ran away."

"Ahh Hyung, you could have at least waited for an answer."

"Well she was going through a lot today, so I thought maybe she needed some space to think!" I paniced on the phone, then it buzzed.



I open up the text.

Thank you for everything Hobi 💖💖 Are we a thing? Cause I'll go with whatever you'll go with.

"I have a girlfriend now. She called me Hobi" I blushed

"HOSEOK CONGRATS!" Jimin laughs

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