The Favor

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Killer Bean had always had mixed feelings about urban Bean Town, with its uninspired but extremely breakable buildings. It was a place he often entered irritated but left sore. 

As for Killer Bean himself, well, even he admitted it was a rare bean who smiled when they saw him. He was a tough, hardened, ex-assassin with quick fists and a beefy ass. His friends would see him as a cocky but deceptively intelligent kind of bean. If he had any friends, that is. Oh, sure, there were plenty of beans willing to start friendships, but those 'friendships' usually ended in him blowing a few hundred on ammo and first aid after a long day of 'doing a favor'. 

One such favor was the one called in by longtime acquaintance Detective Cromwell, one of Bean Town's foremost investigators and resident hard-ass. Cromwell himself was nice enough, but he did have a nasty habit of making everything he touched more difficult, like some kind of modern Midas. But Killer Bean wasn't one to jip potential allies, especially those with governmental connections. After all, he could use any help he could get ever since the whole fiasco with Cappuccino and Vagan. 

Killer Bean walked over to the grimy window and stared idly at his run-down surroundings. Rain began to obscure his view of the retired processing plant across the street as the storm that had been brewing for hours finally hit.  Lightning flashed above Bean Town, crackling and snapping like a nest of snakes. Ignoring it, Killer Bean knelt down and stroked his beloved dog Jelly Beans.

After long last a series of beeps told him he had someone on the line. He picked up his spare encrypted phone he had from his Agency days, still stroking Jelly Bean. "Woah, woah, woah. slow down. I don't speak strangled gasp" he said with some sarcasm. He was still feeling irritated about the whole thing. Not only had he not slept well the other night, but he had already busted a facility once this week and wasn't looking forward to the latest 'favor'. "T-this is Crom-" the caller broke off in gasps again. Someone on the other end shouted to keep still. "this is Cromwell. We got him c-cornered!" Cromwell was speaking in pained grunts. "We managed to pen him into the industrial zone. I let slip you were there, just like we planned. It's up to you now". Killer Bean rolled his eyes. The old canker probably injured himself trying to take on the target by himself. He did tend to put too much faith in that old .44 Magnum. "Well, look. You know the drill and so do I. If you guys have done your jobs right for once, there shouldn't be a problem" He hung up.  

Walking back towards his makeshift hideout's weapons locker, he first considered a frag grenade before being tempted by a rocket launcher. Eventually he selected a few spare clips of ammo and of course his custom set of gilded pistols. Looking out the slatted window, he leaned back and enjoyed the scenery for a moment, watching a gang of thugs mugg some tourists. 

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of the target. Nearly seven feet of muscle and bulk rose from the pitted service road. Muscle and bulk responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent beans, or as close to innocent as you could get in Bean Town. The reporters called him Psycho Bean,  a legendary murderer with imposing fists and incredible ass. To Killer Bean, though, he was just another target.  

The massive figure strode past the group of thugs, slamming one aside without turning his head. He was staring dead ahead. Directly at Killer Bean's newly furbished hideout. 

Killer Bean grimaced. He was not as prepared as he should have been, but his head just wasn't in the game this time. He hadn't even had enough time to finish polishing his gear in order to achieve his usual effect. "Get out of here, Jelly Beans" he told the dog in a firm voice. "You know I don't tagteam" Jelly Beans whined but obeyed regardless, his transparent red body bouncing away across the concrete as he headed towards one of the loading docks. 

The Killer Bean Saga Vol.2: The FavorWhere stories live. Discover now