A movement caught his eye, and Jason saw McAllister waving from a log where he sat with Eli Johnson. Or rather, McAllister was sitting while propping Eli up. Eli, as usual, was sloshed off his can.

"Hey, boss! Looking dapper this evening."

"Good evening," said Jason in greeting to McAllister. "Haven't you heard? There's a party tonight."

"Sure we did, Jason," said Eli, his words slurred. "But you know I ain't much for parties an' folks puttin' on airs."

Jason observed Eli's bedraggled appearance and asked, "Nancy threw you out again, did she?"

Eli burped. "I can go home anytime I wanna. I jus' don' wanna."

"She told him not to come back 'til he was sober," said McAllister with a chuckle. "I haven't been here a week, and even I can see Eli hasn't a sober bone in his body."

Jason met Eli's mournful eyes. "Well, that sounds like a pretty bad split. Why don't you come with me to Lottie's and we'll see what she can do with you? I bet we'll have Nancy back in your hip pocket in no time." He helped McAllister lift Eli, and Eli staggered between them.

"Thanks, Boss," said McAllister as they put Eli's arms around their shoulders and began to walk the short distance to Seattle. "I wasn't sure how I would get him off that log."

"No trouble at all. Eli's an old friend." The drunken man stumbled and Jason adjusted his gait. At this rate, he and Laurie would be late for their reception, but it couldn't be helped. "Eli, when we get there, you head straight for the rooms."

"Aw, Jason..."

"No, I don't want to hear any more about it," he said, grinning at McAllister over Eli's head. "Nancy needs her man back, and I'm short a few loggers. I can't hire you if you're unwilling to lay off the booze."

"That so, Jason? That's really so?"

They rounded the last corner of the wilderness and saw the first rooftops of cabins. "Well, I need someone sober to help cut the logs for my cabin. You heard I got married."

Eli dug his heels into the ground, almost toppling the other two men. Jason cursed and dropped Eli's arm, standing straight. "What was that for?!"

"Ya got married?!"

"What?! It's not like I'm the first man to jump into marriage. What's that got to do with nearly planting our faces into the ground?"

"I didn't hear the weddin' bells! Nancy shoulda told me! Aw, Jason, I'm sorry. I shoulda been there."

"No one was there, not even my brothers. It was just Laurie and me in Tacoma."

"Oh. So's it wasn't one of the brides?"

Jason grabbed Eli's arm and wrestled it back over his shoulders, motioning for McAllister to do the same. Together they plowed forward once again. "No, it wasn't one of the brides. She's from out of town, and very pretty. Beautiful, even."

"Well 'course she's a beauty. You wouldna married nothin' but a pretty one. Bet she's got eyes of sapphires."

"Emeralds," Jason corrected him. "Emeralds that sparkle and dance when she laughs."

"Well, precious stones, to be sure," Eli said, sounding proud, and more than a little sleepy.

Jason's eyes shifted to McAllister, who had remained silent during the exchange. He seemed indifferent to the conversation as he fought to keep Eli upright and remained quiet while Jason and Eli exchanged a few more words until they arrived at the saloon, standing like a lighthouse shining on a tempestuous sea.

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