Absolute Carnage Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Moon Knight left the room as you and Carnage faced each other down.

Carnage: You just don't know when to quit.
Creator: It's not what you can do that makes you one. It's what you're willing to do that makes you a true Hero.

Y/N: That's easy for you to say. You're already a Hero.

The Old Man laughed.

Creator: Would you like to be a Hero like me?

You nodded. Suddenly your hair was getting ruffled much to your annoyance.

Creator: Then don't give up.
You smirked.

Y/N: You're right. I really don't.

Carnage charged at you but you ducked down. You grabbed his arm and his leg before hurling him across the room. You punched your palm with a smile.

Y/N: You ready fo this partner?

Venom: More than you know.

Moon Knight finally reached the main lab where he found Taskmaster finishing the machine.

Moon Knight: HEY COPY CAT!

Taskmaster turned around slowly.

Taskmaster: Didn't I stab you the last time we fought.

Moon Knight: A LOT OF PEOPLE STAB ME. Ye are just another face in the crowd.

Taskmaster: I forgot how annoying you could be. I'm guessing you already found the pest.

Moon Knight: I'm gonna beat you like a pest. He's dealing with Carnage. YOU ARE MY FOE!

Taskmaster sighed as he turned on the machine. The machine came to life and a bright orange light filled the room. Everyone all over the base felt it's effects. The entire base shook.

Moon Knight: What's that?

Taskmaster: A new Godslayer. One that will obey my every command. Think of it as a particle accelerator of shorts. It's fused with an advance formula of Anti-Cells and a part of the runt.

He touched the machine and smiled.

Taskmaster: It'll be able to take away powers and then kill who ever it hits.

Moon Knight: Sooooo, a death laser?

Taskmaster rolled his eyes before pulling out his blade.

Taskemaster: You're really annoying.


Moon Knight lunged at Taskmaster to blocked his attack.

In the lab, you and Carnage exchanged blows. You didn't have your senses or any of you powers. That was fine. You have Venom. Carnage was strong but they didn't have the same bond you did.

Y/N: Might as well give up now.

Carnage: I was just about to say the same thing!

Carnage swung at you and you crossed your arms to block. His hit ended up slamming you through some walls. You recovered just as Moon Knight jumped over you.

Moon Knight: Hey, didn't I leave you in the lab?

Y/N: Shit happens.

Carnage emerged from the hole in the wall and spotted you.

Carnage: It's Carnage!

Y/N: You didn't even use that reference correctly!

The two of you collided again. Across the building, the raid teams made their ways through the labs to destroy everything they could. They weren't going to leave anything behind.

Viv: I've found Y/N!

Sam: Where?!

Viv: Follow me!

She led the Program Heroes, plus Gwenpool and Wasp, through the halls while the rest stayed behind to deal with the destruction. They raced through the halls until they reached the main lab where they found you fighting Carnage and Moon Knight going against Taskmaster.

Cat: Y/N!

You looked over quickly and dodged a hit.

Y/N: Get out of here! That machine is dangerous!

Viv, Kitty, and Riri all looked at each other. They raced to the machine to try and turn it off or destroy it. Moon Knight fliped backwards before throwing several blades towards Taskmaster. He blocked them but wasn't expecting Moon Knight to slid under him and attack him with his spiked knuckles.

You dodged a hit from Carnage and delivered one of your own. It suddenly hit you, this battle would determine everything. You didn't have a healing factor, you didn't have powers. You could die here. So why weren't you scared? Because you had too much to lose.

You raised your claws and swiped down.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now