Chapter 18- Arrangements

Start from the beginning

" no thanks dad, I'm going over to a friend's place." I said as I ran upstairs.

I ran into my room and took a refreshing 10 minute shower. I changed into a simple tank top and paired it with my favourite jeans.

I grabbed by bag and stuffed my car keys and some money into it before bolting out the door.


I pressed the door bell and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. 

Moments later, I heard the click of the door. It opened to reveal Michael who was dressed in a loose grey shirt with sweat pants.

A smile quickly made its way on his face when he saw me. His hair was disheveled, which gave an even more handsome look.

"Hey." I greeted with a  smile.

"Hey." He stepped aside to let me enter. "Come in."

His living room was twice the size of mine. It was painted in the brightest shade of white with expensive looking portraits hung on the wall. It was beautifully furnished with a plasma TV, a home theater and gorgeous sofas.

" You have a beautiful home Michael." I'm sure my mouth was already hanging open as I gaped at the interior designs in awe.


"Is anyone home or is it just the two of us." I asked, tearing my gaze from the vase I was admiring.

  "So eager and yet you've barely been here for 5 minutes." He smirked and shook his head with fake disappointment.

"You ass. That wasn't what I was implying." I defended.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." He said then walked further into the room. "And to answer your question; No, My parents aren't home and my little brother is at soccer practice. So feel free to take advantage."

I scrunched my face in disgust Which made Michael to burst into laughter and run upstairs.

I was left alone. It was a little awkward standing alone, so sat down on the sofa.

If only I had my phone, i would have something to do while I waited. Stupid Jackson.

Seconds after, Michael returned with a stack of movies.

"I figured we could watch while we ate."

"Isn't eating while watching TV Bad for you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
" what isn't bad for you these days." He shrugged.

"so what's for dinner?"

"Since I couldn't cook to save my life, I ordered us Sushi and I should arrive right about… He paused, waiting for the right moment to continue. Then we heard the door bell. "Now." He Finished and went to the door to pay for the food.

I wasn't a huge fan of sushi but not wanting to be rude, but today, I would make an exception.

He returned with the food and went to the kitchen to get the plates.

We took the chopsticks and dug into the food. We made small talk about TV shows, school and thankfully not Jackson. "What movie do wanna watch?" He asked as he walked to the DVD player.

"Any suggestions?" I asked as I ate my fifth sushi. Trying not to let him see the food I was chewing.

"How about Aquaman?"


He inserted the disc into the DVD player and walked back to the couch.

  He brought Microwave popcorn from the kitchen. I felt so relived and completely abandoned the sushi.

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