Attempting to Talk

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I won't be following the exact storyline of Bleach, but I will incorporate some characteristics. (Ex. Story takes place after Rukia is rescued). Also, some key events that happen on this story won't be exactly like the actual events in Bleach, they'll have my own modification.


(Third Person)


Ichigo sighed. Sitting on the curb in the scorching summer sun wasn't exactly the way he had planned to spend the day, but when you're a substitute soul reaper and there are no Hollows around or anything else...there's not much to do usually.

Ichigo glanced around his shoulder.

Where was Rukia? He had been looking all over for her... To tell her something important...

"Damn it," Ichigo muttered. "Just when I finally decide to confess my feelings."

Because Ichigo was in love with her.

Yes. In love.

You might ask, why?

Well, even Ichigo didn't really know why.

He didn't really know when it had all started, but ever since that raven-haired soul reaper had barged into his room that one night, all he could think about was her.

He could not, would not, stop thinking about her everyday.

Ichigo traced a small heart on the dirt ground beside him with his finger slowly.

"Hmph. Just look at you Ichigo, acting all lovesick. Rukia would laugh herself to death if she saw you like this..." Ichigo muttered to himself.


He had been thinking about her everyday.

"EXCUSE ME! Coming through!"

Ichigo turned around suddenly, hearing the sound of feet hitting pavement, to be meet with the sight of a flustered Rukia hurriedly rushing down the street, while shoving the nearby pedestrians out of the way.  

What the...? right there. Better tell her now to stop so I can tell her.

Ichigo took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing, he thought to himself.

"Umm, HEY RUKIA. I need to..."

Ichigo faltered at the end of the sentence. She was already bolting past him, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

Apparently, anything she had in mind was more important...

"What the hell. Rukia... Just when I finally decide to say something really important..."

He decided to use the infallible tactic of getting her to notice him.

"HEY MIDGET, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU," Ichigo yelled at the disappearing Rukia.

Rukia hated to be called midget. Ichigo knew. XD

Rukia didn't stop running, but she whipped her head around, shouting her response."Ichigo, I need to go to Urahara's. Crucial Soul Society business. Talk to me thennn..." Rukia's voice faded off in the distance. Then she resumed her sprinting with greater effort, her short black hair whipping about her as she ran towards the direction of the little candy shop Urahara Shoten.

Ichigo started to run after her. If that was really THAT important, maybe he could come for some help. She wouldn't mind if he tagged along...


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