Sick (Part 2)

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My mom just got done taking my temperature and it's still the same so she gave me more medicine and then left me alone again.

This is so boring! I wish I had a good book to read, or I could at least find my TV remote.

I can't call Stef, she doesn't want me to hurt my voice. She is so considerate yet so annoying. I have nothing to do in this house, I am not tired. And I am going slightly insane.


I walk up the stairs to Lena's place a knock on the door.

Lena's mother opens the door.

"Hello Stefanie."


"Please come in."

I politely walk in.

"I brought this for Lena. And her paycheck."

"Well, What did you get her?"

"Oh umm. Well, these two are from the kids we baby sit. This is soup from Mrs.Quinn. I got her some cough drops in her favorite flavors. A candle to help her sinuses. I also got her a book. A art set. Cherry Chapstick, this weather really dries out her lips and she loves cherry. And umm. This teddy bear."

She looks at the basket then at me.

"Do you really love my daughter?"

I inhale deeply.

"I love her more than I have loved anything in my entire life."

She nods.

"She is upstairs. Knock before you walk in, if she is asleep leave the basket next to her & I will tell her it's from you. And if she is awake, leave the door open."

"Yes ma'am."

I head upstairs.


I hear walking up the stairs, my mom just took my temperature what does she want now?

I hear a knock.

"Come in."

"Special Delivery for the prettiest girl ever."

She leaves the door open.

"You can shut the door."

"Actually if you want to see me, that door has to be open."

I laugh.

"Well, sit down next to me."

She gets on my bed and sits beside me and hands me a gift basket and a envelope.

"How are you feeling?"

"Lonely, and my throat hurts, & I can't even find my remote."

She gets off the bed.

"I think it's down here- yep here it is found it."

I look at her.

"You're a life saver."

She smiles and I give her a hug. She kisses my forehead.

"Open it."

I look at her with a smirk.

I begin to open it.

"Oh my god Stef! You don't even know how much I have wanted to read today, and this is the newest book from Samantha Jones collection! I love it."

She nods even though I know she doesn't understand anything I'm saying.

"What are these frames?"

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