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Nikki takes me too their bedroom. I see Nora in the corner. Gasping for air.

"Listen to me okay."

I grab her hands.

"Slow breath from your gut not your chest."

She tries to calm down her breath.

"I need you to touch four things."

"I can't."

"Four Things Nora."

She begins to feel around. She touches me, the rug, the table, the bed, and the wall.


I remind her to breathe slowly.

"Three things you hear."

She swallows.

"You, I I hear. I hear the tv. And I hear. I hear my breath."

She is beginning to calm down which is a good sign.

"Okay. 2 things you smell."

"Coconut. And"

She breathes in deeply.


I smile.

"Good. Now one thing you taste."


She opens her eyes and wraps her arms around my neck crying.

I rub her back.

"It's okay Nora. It's okay. I got you. Shh. Don't cry. Don't cry."

She begins to release my neck. She wipes away her tears and then looks at the doorway.

"Oh. Hey Lena."

"Hey. Are you Alright?"

"Yeah thanks to Stef. But, can I ask you a question?"


"Why didn't you follow procedure? I mean don't get me wrong this way was completely better but... how did you know it was better than the other one."

"Mm. Let's just say I have ways."

"Just like you have ways with knowing how to help Cory?"

"Yes exactly."


"Alright who is hungry?"

"I know Tommy is."

I hear Lena laugh. She walks over to me and gently places him in my arms.

"You did good Stef. You did good."

I smile at her as we head downstairs.

"Do you like Mac n Cheese?"

"Mac n Cheese?"

I turn around shocked at what I just heard.

"Wait, you don't know what Mac n Cheese is?"

"No. What is it?"

I pull out a couple boxes from my bag thinking this might happen.

"Only like the best thing you'll ever eat."

They laugh.

"Here Stef I can feed Tommy while you cook."

I hand her the baby.


I finish cooking the meal. I check the grams of sugar to make sure it was ok for Cory to eat. There is much sugar in it at all so I give him so apple juice with it to balance his levels.

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