Sick (Part 1)

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I hear a knock on my door.

I open my eyes. God I have the biggest headache of the century.

"Come in."

I see my mom walk through the door.

"Hey. I brought you some chicken noodle soup, some Sprite, & some Tylenol."

She sits the tray on my lap.

"Thanks Mom."

I remember sometime last night throwing up.

She sticks a thermometer under my tongue.

After it beeps she checks it.

"100.7°. Its not good, but it is better. The meds should help. You feeling okay?"

"My head hurts, and I feel a little guilty not being able to walk with Stef this morning. I wonder how long she waited."

"Well, it couldn't have been that long. The snow from last night froze over the roads, school was cancelled today."

"Oh okay."

I eat some of my soup then take my meds.

"Do you know where my phone is? I need to call Stef."

She heads to my bathroom and comes out with my phone.

"Here. I will be back up in about a hour or so if you are awake to check your temperature."

"Thanks Mom."

She shuts the door and I dial Stef's number.


My phone begins to ring and I pick it up.

"Hey sweets. How's it going?"

"Not the best."

Her voice is scratchy and sounds irritated.

"Are you Alright?"

"I'm sick."

"Really? With what? Are you okay?"

"I think a cold. But, I am fine. Please don't worry. I just wanted to see if you would call the Quinn's and see if they are still wanting us to come over."

"Well, I am gonna worry because you're my girlfriend. Also, I will call, but if they do want us to come over. You can't."

"I know I know."

"Lena I mean it."

"Alright jeez."

I laugh.

"Now as much as I love calling to hear your sweet voice, even if it's scratchy. You can't call me anymore. Or you will be voiceless by the end of the day."

I hear her laugh slightly.

"Get some rest dear. I will text you and let you know okay."

"You're the best."

"I know."

We laugh.

"Bye Lena I love you."

"I love you too Stef."


I am going over there. And if her mom doesn't let me, I will stand outside in the freezer cold until I can see Lena.

But, I need to call Jill.

The line rings and then Jill answers.

"Hi Stef!"

"Hey Mrs.Quinn. I know with the snow you probably don't need us today, but I just want to make sure."

"Well, we don't need you to babysit today, but you can come get your money if you want too?"

"Alright. Is it alright if I get mine and Lena's? She is sick."

"Oh poor thing. Yeah, come down here in about a hour or so?"

"Sounds good. Bye Mrs.Quinn."

Now for a plan.

1.) Change clothes

2.) Wake up your hungover mother.

3.) Walk down to the Quinn's & get money.

4.) Go to Roxy's House and pay her.

5.) Go to store and buy stuff for Lena's care package.

6.) Go to Lena's house

That's my plan.

Step one change clothes. I change into a black and white striped long sleeve and throw on a red cherry covered shirt on top. It's weird not wearing leather, but I got to make a impression on Mrs. Adams. I throw on some pants and my doc martens. Then, throw my hair in a ponytail. Step one complete.

Step two, wake up hungover mother. I head to my mothers room.

"Get up Ma. I need you to watch the kids I got stuff to do. And when I get back none of those kids better have a scratch on them, or I will hurt you. And when I come back you are leaving. You promised you would get back on track, I can't have a lousy wannabe alcoholic living in my house. So get your ass up and be a 'mother' for one more day."

She opens her eyes.

"Good Morning to you to Stefanie. You look awfully dressy."

I slam the door.

"Don't even think of laying back down."

Step 2 complete.

I grab some food in the kitchen I still have about 5 minuscule before I need to leave if I am gonna reach the Quinn's in time.

"Finally Mom. Bye."

I slam the door and begin walking to the Quinn's. It would be freezing any normal persons titties or balls off out her, but I have ice in my veins and enough fury to keep me warm.

I arrive to the Quinn's.

"Come in Stefanie, come in."

Step 3 get money from the Quinn's. Jill beds to the kitchen and comes back with two envelopes, frames, and soup.

"The kids drew these for Lena. This soup should make Lena feel better, & here is your money."

"Oh thanks she will appreciate this."

"Have a safe walk back."


Step 3 complete.

Step 4 pay Roxy.

I head down to Roxy and Give her $215 out of the $430 I got. We usually got $210 which is ridiculous because $10 a hour is a lot of money.

"Damn! I need to babysit for you more often."

I laugh.

"Don't get used to that, I worked double this week."

Step 4 complete.

I put $150 into my wallet. And with the other $65 I head towards the store.

Step 5, make Lena's gift basket.

I head into the store and grab a cart. I put a basket in the cart. Then I grab a pack two packs of cough drops. Cinnamon & Peppermint her favorites. Then I go to the book aisle & grab a romance novel because those are her favorite. I grab her some cherry chapstick, and I even got her a little teddy. It's wearing a leather jacket, so hopefully it will remind her of me. I grab her a candle, peppermint eucalyptus to help her sinuses. And for the hell of it I grab a art kit that was on sale 75% off and a notebook.

I head to the cash register.

"Your total is $64.72."

I hand him the $65.

"Keep the change."

I grab the basket and begin to lightly sort all of the stuff in there making it look as near as possible. I made the teddy bear hold the soup Jill gave her.

Step 5 complete.

Step 6 go to Lena's house.

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