The Walk Home

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"Well, thank you. And we will see you ladies again Wednesday."

"Bye Mr. & Mrs. Quinn."

I grab my bag and begin putting my hair up. I throw on my leather jacket & wait on Lena.

We walk out of the Quinn's house. When we get to the sidewalk, Lena stops.


She sighs at me. And then looks at me.

"I have a sudden craving for a snow cone."

I laugh.

"Are you pregnant?"

She laughs.

"No way in hell. Just hungry a bit I guess."


"You wanna go get one with me?"

I look at her.

"I can't."

We begin walking.

"Roxy has homework and I got to get home. Plus, I thought you would have enough of my bitchy attitude by this point?"

She laughs.

"True. You can be really annoying Stef."

She nudges me.

"Oh. And you think you're perfect L e n a?"

She laughs.

"I know I am."

We laugh.

"Sorry about the snow cones."

"It's okay."

"How about tomorrow after school?"

She stops.

"You. Stefanie Marie Foster. Wants to get snow cones. Alright I am down. You can invite your friend Roxy if you want and I will invite Jenna."

I begin walking again.

"How about.. it's just me and you? No posse. If you bring a friend I am taking back the offer."

She laughs.

"So just the two of us for snow cones?"

"Why not?"


"It will be a good chance for us too get to know one another without people interrogating our every move."


"I don't know about you, but Roxy is all up in my grill about you. And my siblings know somethings up, Nora & Nikki basically wore me down back there."

She laughs.

"Yeah Jenna gives me a hard time. And the Quinn's girls could be detectives if they wanted. I swear."

I laugh.

She stops and turns around in front of me.

"That's your house right there right Stef?"

"Uh huh."

She smirks and starts to run.

"Last one there has to do one thing the other person wants one time."

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