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"Hey Jenna? What do you think? Ruby Red or Bubblegum Pink?"

"Ruby Red."

"Got it thanks Jen."

Jenna has been my best friend for years. Ever since I moved here my freshman year.

That year was rough, bullies, crowds, but luckily for me. The most popular girl in school, Jenna, came up to me and told me I could sit with her. And we've been friends ever since.

I never became her friend for the popularity, though. See, Jenna isn't that girl in high school that let's popularity go too her head. She is nice too everyone. She high fives the band kids, she talks to the theater kids, she smiles at the emo kids, and is just all around nice too everyone. I thrive to be like her.

We begin walking too class.

"So, are you going to Josh Hamock's party tonight."

"You know I can't Jen. I have too go to the Quinn's tonight. But, since they have four kids & a giant house. Well, they hired two babysitters. But, I am still getting paid hella good so I mean."

She laughs.

"Can't you blow that off though? I mean how cool would it be to have sex with a senior boy when you're a junior girl."

I look at her.

"First of all Jenna, I am not losing my virginity at a high school party. And second off, you know I like girls Jenna. So, quit play.."

Suddenly I am knocked too my feet.

Jenna reaches out her hand.

"Are you Alright Lena."

I turn around to see a blonde headed biker. She has long straight hair and hazel eyes. She is wearing a leather jacket and a white crop top. Along with black jeans and doc martens.

"Excuse you. Please, watch where you're going."

"Oh I am sorry princess. Did I tilt your crown?"

Her crowd begins laughing. I am furious.

"Just please. Be careful next time."

She turns and walks away her middle finger high in the air.

I turn back too Jenna.


"You can say that again."


"Haha you showed her Stef."

"I know I did."

"Anyways, you coming too the party tonight at Hamocks? Heard there is gonna be lots of people."

"Nah. I got to babysit tonight or whatever. And plus, you know parties aren't my thing Roxy."

"Yeah, but why you even take this job anyways?"

"Pays good. You know I gotta provide for the little ones."


I look towards the end of the hallway. Where princess and her queen walk down to their class.

"Stef. You hear what I said."


"I said. You better not fuck this babysitting job up. Just because there is two of you doesn't mean you can sit back and let whoever do the job."

"Yeah Alright Roxy."

"I mean it."

"Alright Alright god."

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