Working it out

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This girl, the same girl who bumped into me in the hallway not even 4 hours ago, is now standing here in the Quinn's home, with me. Doing the other half of this babysitting job.

"Stefanie, this is Lena. Lena, this is Stefanie."

She holds her hand out to me.

"Please, call me Stef."

"Kids come down here. I am Robert. This is my wife Jill."

I almost can't hear him over the rage I feel boiling inside of me. How am I supposed to do this?

"This is my oldest daughter. She is 11."

"Hey. I am Nora."

"Nice too meet you Nora."

"Yeah nice to meet you."

Stef smiles at the kids and at the Quinn's, but she doesn't smile at me and she doesn't even look at me.

"This is our other daughter. She's 8."

"I'm Nikki. Nice to meet you both."

We smile at her.

"This is our son. Cory he's 5."

"Can you say hi, Cory?"

He waves at us.

"And Jill has our newborn son, Tommy."

"Aww he's so cute."

Jill hands Stef the baby. I am really annoyed. She is putting on a act for the Quinn's, but I see right through it.

"Now we were a little suspicious. But, you two 17 year olds seem really trustworthy."

"Okay. So, Cory's meds are on the counter. And there is a list of numbers to call on the fridge."

I look at Mr.Quinn.

"Meds, for what."

"Oh Cory has diabetes."

I see Stef sit up.

"What type?"

"Type 2."

"Okay. Do you have any limitations on sugar for his meals?"

"15-30 grams for main meals & 10-15 grams for snacks."


I look at Stef. How does she know so much about this?

"If he starts to breathe slowly and starts panicking. He needs sugar. If his monitor starts to beep. Give him some water. And give him his meds."

"Got it."

"Nora has some anxiety issues. The procedure to help her through a anxiety attack or a panic attack is next to the call list."


Stef looks at me.

"Got all that Lena?"

I shoot her a look and then force a smile.


"Alright we gotta get going. We will see you ladies later."

"Bye kids come give me and dad a hug."

As the kids hug their parents goodbye Stef goes over to Cory's Medicine still holding baby Tommy."

"Dinner is in the oven. Just heat it up and give it to them."


All the kids run to their kitchen table. There are two medium plates, one small plate, & Stef already started Tommy's bottle.

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