That Night

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"Yeah I know. It's just. This is your Dominance Squad jacket."

I look at her.


I turn my back towards her.

"This is my Dominance Squad jacket."

"Well, then what's this?"

"That. That is my daily leather jacket. My good luck charm. I have never had a bad day with it on."

"Then, why let me wear it?"

"Well, first of all. I am not letting you wear it, it's a gift. Keep it. Second off, you could use the luck more than me. You wear my good luck charm, & you can be mine. And third of all, I have 20 plain black leather jackets."

She laughs.

"Well, thank you for your generosity."

I laugh. We arrive at my home.

"Thank you for snow cones Stef."

I look at her.

"Any time L e n a."

I turn around.


I turn back around.

"Yes L e n a?"

She smiles at me.

"Can- Can I give you a hug?"

I'm hesitant. Hugs are not really my thing. I only hug my siblings.

I walk over to her.

"3 seconds max."

I open my arms. She smiles excitedly and wraps her arms around me tightly. I lightly pat her shoulder.

"1. 2. 3."

She let's go.

"Ya know Stef? One day. You will want to hug me forever you know that. And I am gonna tell you.. 3 seconds max."

I look at her cautiously.

"First off you're awfully confident I want to hug you forever. And second off you just admitted you wanted to hug me forever."

She begins to walk away.

"So, What If I did?"

She smiles at me and turns around.

"That's weird L e n a."

She sticks up her middle finger. That's one of the many things I like about her.

"I take that as a complement. Considering you ate jalapeños on your snow cones."

I laugh and sit down on my steps. Watching her walk home. I see Roxy walk up my stairs.

"Damn Stef."


"Did I just see you hug Lena fucking Adams?"

I look at her.

"What are you getting at Rox?"

"I mean she is hot. Like fucking smoking. But, you don't even give me hugs. And I have know you since like forever."

I look at her.

"Are you in love?"

"And what if I am?"

"Stef. She- she is part of the Princesses."

"And the Dominance Squad."

"Okay. But, have you seen her come over to us ever? She made her choice."

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