An Insight Into the Next Book

Start from the beginning

"PIDGE! PIDGEY!" It squawked at Marx, as if it was claiming all the apples on that tree as it's own.

"Outta my way, you drumstick! I'm HUNGRY!!" Marx screeched, baring little fangs. Suddenly bejeweled wings sprouted from his back, spreading out to their maximum wingspan.

The Pidgey squeaked as it tried to flap away, but Marx grabbed it with two of the claws on his wings. Marx was insane.

Marx looked into the terrified eyes staring back at him and-

Let the poor thing go.

He decided it wasn't worth it- getting blood on his claws for nothing.

Marx jumped towards the big apples, but then recoiled. It wasn't an apple at all! The bigness was a scam, they were berries growing in clusters. Small red berries that grew in a tree? Deciding he would try it, he grabbed one with his claws on his wings. He threw the berry in his mouth, chewing it carefully and savoring the... SPICINESS?

It was sweet, but... It was SPICY!

It was unlike anything he had ever tasted. But, he loved it. He thought the spiciness of the berry that didn't look spicy reflected himself- unsuspecting on the outside, full of flavor and surprise inside.

After finishing about ten of the tiny berries, he slid down the trunk like a slide, feeling quite full. He began to wander about.

This place was strangely... nice. It gave off a pleasant aura, and Marx actually quite liked the unusual peacefulness. He could get used to it.

Suddenly, he stepped in the middle of something and within the blink of an eye he was hoisted up by a rope around his foot. Upside down, he screeched at the rope, his wings sprouting again and attacking the rope, but it was no use. He couldn't reach.

He waited for a long time, upside down. At some point during what seemed to be the late afternoon, he began to attack the rope again with much more force. He didn't notice the rustling from the trees. Two people were watching him.

"This one's lively, ain't it?" A male voice from the forest whispered. "I'll get it."

"Be careful, okay?" Another voice, female, whispered back.

A woman with yellow hair stepped from behind the trees and undergrowth. She wore a black tunic with a large letter 'R' plastered on the front.


A pain exploded from his back. He screamed as he looked at the woman who laughed at him. He began to feel a bit woozy. A male with dark green hair stepped in front of Marx, who was beginning to faint. Black spots danced in his vision like stars. He had been hit with a tranquilizer dart.

"Well done, Butch." The woman said. "We'll give this one to the boss as a present."

"Yeah! Giovanni'll be so pleased with us." The man-whose-name-was-Butch said. He also donned a jet black uniform with a scarlet red 'R' on the front. In his gloved hand was a blowgun.

"Wh-what have you done to meee? I'll kill... youuuuu..." Marx droned before passing out.

"'Kay, Cassidy. Cut him down. He'll be out for a while." Butch grinned, putting away his blowgun. Cassidy, reluctantly, climbed up the tree and untied the rope, letting Marx fall down.

"Damn, we haven't seen anything like this at all." She mumbled as she jumped from the tree.

"Well, the more unique, the better the reward we'll get." Butch replied. They shoved Marx in a sack and left the forest, leaving without a trace of him ever existing, apart from the poor dead Caterpie.

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