Chapter Twelve: The Darkest of All Dark Matter

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The night past relatively uneventful. Late at night, Kirby fell asleep just after the restaurant closed.

At about five in the morning, Meta Knight woke up. He did some stretches and started practicing the sword. He did so, every day for the past five hundred years. Against a tree, and by the time his friends woke up, the tree fell down, so damaged by the sword slashes and cuts. He dragged the log into the forest (the tree was massive compared to him, but with his core strength and multiple tries, he managed to hide it.)

He then stood on the stump and started to balance on the tips of his purple metal sabatons. He swung his sword a few times while still balancing. He jumped in a somersault and landed perfectly in front of a startled James, who had woken up for the morning.

"You're back?" he asked eagerly. "You're back to normal?"

 "Yes, I am quite fine, thank you. Once we find the Demon Beast, it will be as good as gone."

"What do we do now?" Jessie asked from the entrance of the base, Mimikyu on her shoulder. Meowth followed, a look of surprise passed his face for a split second before smiling his usual smug smile.

"Didn't think you'd be here so soon." He exclaimed.

"We should train until that demon shows up." Meta Knight answered stoically, his sword glimmering in the early morning sun, just beginning to rise. "First, we should eat."

As they sat on the bed of leaves, the four friends picked out fruit from Bewear's stockpile. Wobbuffet came out of Jessie's Pokeball, eager to join in after being left out for so long. Mareanie sat on James' lap, while Mimikyu sat in the corner.

"I haven't tried this one." Meta Knight picked up a large red fruit, spikes jutting out from the sides. It was bigger than his fist.

"That's a Tamato Berry. Its super spicy, it burns your mouth so bad that you can barely talk for a few minutes." Meowth explained. "I speak from experience. It hurts."

"Wobbuffet!" The blue Pokemon added. "Wobba-Wobba!" Meowth rolled his eyes at what the Wobbuffet had said.

"Okay. I'll try a bit."

"I don't know whether you'll like- oh."

Meta Knight faced away from his friends and shoved it in his mouth, ignoring his friends' warning. His mask lay next to him as he finished the Berry, showing no emotions.

All of a sudden, Mimikyu snatched up Meta Knight's mask. It put the mask up to it's face, the Mimikyu rags showing through the v shaped eye-hole of the mask.

"Mimikyu! Put that back!" Jessie said angrily, trying to grab the mask from her stubborn Pokemon and failing.

"Kyu. Mimikyu." It squeaked. "Ks!"

"Come on Mimikyu! Be co-operative! You know that's not yours, it belongs to Meta Knight."


"Mimikyu, please give me my mask back. If you don't, keep it. I've got many more in my cape."

"Kyu.. Ku!" Mimikyu still held the mask, but with more force. The Pikachu-disguised Pokemon, who nobody could ever steal the disguise, has stolen the disguise of another person. Oh, Mimikyu...

"Fine." Meta Knight dug around in his cape and found a spare mask. He clipped it on and turned around.

"Well? Did you like it?" Jessie asked.

"Well, you said it was super spicy. It was mild, but I still enjoyed it." Meta Knight picked out three more and ate them (turning around, obviously). How on earth did this puff like the most spicy berry in Alola? 

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