Chapter Three: The Pokemon School

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"Kirby, class is starting, but they don't know who you are. Just stay on my desk and I'll do the explaining." Kiawe put Kirby on his brown wooden desk. Kirby stared in awe at the classroom, which seemed massive compared to him. Even a large book would be the same height as the pink puff. The excitement of meeting Kiawe's friends overwhelmed the worry deep inside of him. The doubt that secretly ate him up. . .

Would Kirby ever go home? Well, the adventure was just starting. As the narrator of the story, I assure you that this journey has a very long way to go. Nobody even knew who Kirby was at this point in the journey. *Back to the story*

Kirby stared at the bookshelf, the whiteboard with the markers and erasers sitting on a little metal ledge, the railing that stopped people and pokemon from toppling like a game of Jenga over the edge if they got too close.

Soon the class started to fill up. A green haired girl came in and sat down in a chair, with an equally as green creature with long leafy hair coming in with her. Their names were Mallow and Tsareena, respectively. A blue-eyed and blue haired girl followed closely, in her arms a small brown pokemon with a big fluffy tail, and their names were Lana and Sandy. A small mouse-like pokemon bounded in, followed closely by a boy with ash colored hair. The kid's name was Ash, like his messy tufts of hair. Ash seemed like he was trying to catch the yellow mouse.

"Pikachuuuuu! Get back heeeere!" He yelled. "I know you look forward to class, but not this much!" He picked up the 'Pikachu' and held it tightly to his chest. He plonked Pikachu on his desk and sat down.

Soon, a short, round ginger male and a ball-shaped pokemon entered, named Sophocles and Togedemaru, along with a very pale girl, with very light blonde hair and a fluffy white pokemon, whose names were Lillie and Snowy. It reminded Kirby of Sandy, the brown fluffy pokemon.

Lastly, a tall man with a lab coat and a pair of green glases entered the room, an armful of paperwork in hand. His name was Professor Kukui.

"Alola, class!" Professor Kukui called, waving at his students with his one free arm. Professor Kukui was the teacher of the class at the Pokemon School.

"Alola!" The class chanted back. One by one, they laid eyes on Kirby, who was still sitting on Kiawe's desk.

"What is it?" Mallow asked.

"Is it some kind on new Pokemon?" Lillie added.

"I don't know, actually." Kiawe started awkwardly. "It just... fell out of the sky, and I caught him. He said his name was Kirby."

"Hii!" Kirby announced to the class, frightening everyone for a moment. They weren't the ones who knew that this tiny puff could talk, and loudly at that.

"It looks like some sort of Ultra Beast," Lana said. Kirby jumped and turned to look at the girl, whose hair was like the ocean .

"I's no Ultwa Beast! I's Kaabii, a Star Waia!" Kirby said.

"Star Warrior? If that was true, you'd fit right in with the Ultra Guardians," Kukui replied.

"A Star Warrior sounds just as cool as the Ultra Guardians!" Sophocles exclaimed grinning at the Professor, then at Kirby, who smiled right back.

"Do you have any others here too?" A floating Pokedex asked. His name was Rotom Dex, and helped the classmate Ash discover new pokemon.

"M'fwinds hea too." Kirby sighed, looking down. "Medi Kni and Gawa Kni hea."

"Why don't we assemble the Ultra Guardians to find them? They can't have gone far. We can look at this island, Akala island, even Aether Paradise!" Ash suggested. While everyone was agreeing with Ash's idea, making up ideas and how to do it, Ash's best friend, Pikachu, bounced up to Kirby.

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