Chapter Six: First Night

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Kirby poyo'd in content, running about the beach. He adored the fine white sand and the cloudless blue sky. The shining sun was warm on his skin and the water was pleasantly heated. He and Pikachu had a fun time on the beach along with Ash and Rotom.

The floating Pokedex, grinned as it looked at the puffball toddling about, now having a water fight with Pikachu. "He just doesn't have a care in the world!" He stated. "He seemed to instantly take a liking to this place."

"Come on, Kirby. The house is just here." Ash pointed to a house that was not far from the shore. Kirby looked over and bounced over to the house. Ash opened the back door and let his friends in. Kirby looked around in interest. He bounded around, looking at the TV, then the kitchen, aquarium, etc. He stared at the fish (the Luvdisc) in the aquarium who stared back in curiosity. Who was this strange creature? Was it the same shade of pink? Were the Luvdisc 2D or 3D? Kirby didn't know the answer to any of these questions that were floating around his head like a DVD screensaver.

"Kirby, this is where I live!" Ash announced. "Come on out everyone!" He threw three pokeballs into the air. Lycanroc, Torracat and Rowlet all appeared from the casings. Lycanroc was a big yet gentle dog with rock hard fur. It was white, orange and brown. Rowlet was the spherical owl with tan and white feathers. Torracat was the red and black fire cat, who always emitted heat from inside it. The electric mouse Pikachu ran to Kirby, grabbing Kirby's paw, looking at each pokemon. They each looked at each Kirby in interest, but Rowlet knew Kirby beforehand so he fluttered over to Kirby in a friendly fashion. Kirby smiled at the sight of his acquaintance and jumped over to Rowlet, hugging him. "Hii!" He greeted.

"Now, Kirby. This is Torracat, and that's Lycanroc." Rotom Dex pointed to each pokemon, who greeted Kirby. Kirby nodded.

"Towwacat, Lycawoc, Rowet." Kirby repeated each name (mispronounced), pointing at each pokemon. "I's Kaabii! I fwom Dweamland. A deman beast attacked me and my fwends... You saw Galac'a Kni-" he addressed Pikachu. "And Medi Kni is missing. Tha' bad gan' say he in da fowest." He said, as if telling a story. Rowlet jumped on the little creampuff's head and fell asleep, the claws digging into Kirby's head. Kirby gave a shrug and pet Rowlet on the wing.

"Rowlet, get off." Ash reprimanded jokingly, gently lifting the owl off Kirby. The owl hooted sleepily as he slept on the floor as Kirby poked him slightly.

"Alright, I'll get you guys a snack!" Ash added while the Pokemon and Kirby played around, racing to the kitchen. Kirby's eyes widened at the thought of a donut, or lollipop. He stopped himself before he started drooling on the carpet. Pikachu pika'ed playfully, waving his tail around Kirby.

"Poyo, Pikach-a!" Kirby reached for the tail like a five-year-old and grabbed the it in his paw and tugged it ever-so-slightly. Suddenly Pikachu gave a startled squeal and electrocuted Kirby. Ash, who was in the kitchen, saw what happened, as he was bringing a plate with six sweet malasadas. 

"What the-?" He asked. "Is everyone okay? Kirby, what happened?"

Kirby was burnt black from the electric shock, and coughed out a cloud of black smoke. He looked at his paws and squeaked in surprise.

"Poyo, t'at hu't." Kirby muttered. "Don' t'uch Pika-cha's ta'l." Kirby jumped and shook the ashes off him in a cloud of black. If he wanted to, he could have disappeared like a ninja. Ash set the platter of malasadas down in front of his pokemon and Kirby.

"Dig in!!" Ash invited. Kirby took this sentence a little too far and began his inhale ability. The malasadas were swept up, and even the plate disappeared inside his mouth. Everyone stared in shock. Where did their snacks go? Inside the Jigglypuff alien. Kirby sat there; mouth filled with his friend's snacks. He swallowed, burped out the plate (Now clean) and giggled.

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