Chapter Eight: Showdown at The Mansion!

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That afternoon after spending the day searching for Tsurara, Galacta Knight chose to stay with Lillie, and she allowed Kirby to stay the night at Sophocles' lab.

At his lab, Sophocles showed Kirby a big wheel to run in. "After I apply these special stickers, all you've gotta do is run in it! Show him what to do, Togedemaru!" Togedemaru hopped onto the pink wheel and walked. Kirby jumped in next to Togedemaru, with special stickers to record data on him.

"Togede!" She quipped. The round pokemon began to speed up, so did Kirby. As it sped up, Kirby felt he was struggling to keep up, but Togedemaru kept going faster. He was moving as fast as his shiny red feet would carry him. Suddenly, he tripped on Togedemaru's tiny feet and went whirling around in the wheel before shooting out of it like a rocket onto the grass a few feet away.

"Kirby, are you alright?" Sophocles fretted, running to his side. Kirby nodded, getting back up. "I think it's time for a snack" He added, guiding Kirby to the kitchen.

"Mum's malasadas are the best in Alola!" He boasted. "Just wait until you try one, Kirby." Soon after he said that, his mum came in with a plate of steaming hot malasadas. Kirby felt so happy, the kindness of the foreign people were immeasurable.

"Be careful, they're hot!" She said sweetly. "I hope you enjoy them, Kirby, Sophocles and Togedemaru!" She smiled and exited the room.

"Now Kirby, only eat one at a time, don't inhale them all!" Sophocles chided, remembering how Ash said that Kirby inhaled all the snacks at his house. Kirby nodded, also knowing that memory. He picked up one and placed it all in his mouth.

"Hot!" He cried, before swallowing, his eyes sparkling like stars. "So good!" He picked up another one, but reconsidered and gave it to Togedemaru, who squeaked with happiness. Kirby then picked up another malasada and placed it in his mouth, savouring the sweetness, the fluffy texture, the sugar sprinkles on top...

He found himself eating another five with Sophocles and Togedemaru. Kirby sighed in content. "Vewy good, dewishus!" Kirby smiled. Seeing Kirby smile felt like the best thing in the world to young Sophocles, that innocent smile. Sophocles's mum came back in to collect the plate.

"Wow! You demolished those malasadas. Did you like them, Kirby?" She asked kindly.

"Yes, yes! Vewy good! So good!" Kirby ranted, before giving her a large heart-warming smile. She smiled back and exited the room.

Sophocles invited Kirby into his lab. It was a small, tight area but in housed all his technological devices and the devices that helped him decipher it. Kirby hopped up on the table to look at a computer that Sophocles was turning on.

"You see, the sticker on your head showed me your energy levels! Your energy peaked at around here –" He pointed to a graph. "But then it fell and that's where you tripped." Kirby nodded, looking intently at the graph, but not quite understanding how the sticker did that.

"Wha's tha'?" Kirby pointed to a remote lying on a shelf.

"It detects the radio waves, and the magnetic field of the place." Sophocles explained slowly, but Kirby looked confused. "You don't know anything about radio waves or magnetic fields, do you."

"No. Medi Kni didn't teach me that. He teaches me meditaashun, how to dool, and how to master my copy abilities." Kirby replied. "Maybe he can expw'an that too..?"

"Duels, meditation, copy abilities... does that mean if you inhaled electricity from Togedemaru you would copy it?" Sophocles asked excitedly. "Like how you inhaled Snowy's powder snow?" Kirby nodded. Togedemaru squeaked excitedly, tackling Kirby in a hug.

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