Chapter Two: A Whole New World

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Falling. Kirby was falling. It had felt like he had been falling for hours. Days. Weeks, even. He tried to take in some air and float, but he was panicking too much to properly take a deep breath. Kirby looked around and saw... clouds? He realized he was falling faster and faster. The ground was quickly coming into view. Kirby yelled and tried to float again. He saw lush green meadows, with some strange animals grazing. It seemed to be early in the morning, just sunrise. In the far distance, an orange flying thing was coming towards him! He tried to signal for help, but the orange thing didn't see him. He cried out until the ground nearly caught up to him. Kirby looked up, and saw the orange thing flying towards him, trying to reach out for him! Tears running down his face, Kirby closed his eyes, hope leaving him, waiting for the ground to hit him and for it to all be over.

It didn't come.

Kirby opened his eyes to see he was in the arms of a boy with a dark complexion and chestnut colored hair with red highlights. He could see that the boy was on top of a dragon of some sort. They landed gently on the grass. "Poy?" Kirby whimpered.

"Thanks, Charizard!" the teenager said. Kirby figured that the dragon's name was Charizard. "What do we have here? Who are you, little guy?" He addressed Kirby, looking at the pink puff. Kirby wriggled out of the person's arms and sat down on the ground.

"Who ah you?" Kirby asked the teenager.

"Huh, you can speak English, kind of. My name's Kiawe, what's yours?" The male had a name, and it was Kiawe. He smiled, and gently tried to pick up Kirby again, but Kirby cowered.

"Name's Kaabii!" Kirby said cautiously, slapping away Kiawe's hand. "You demun beast? You dangewous? You've come to kill me?!"

"Demon beast? I don't know what that is. I won't hurt you. Calm down, take a deep breath, okay?"

"You good guy? Youw not gonna attack Kaabii? Where am I? Am I safe hewe? No... demun beasts? I's lost... Where am I?" Kirby whimpered, starting to cry. He was overwhelmed by the thing that had attacked him, and that he couldn't see his friends anywhere. This boy for all he knew was going to kill him, even after he said that he wouldn't hurt him- it had been way too many times that creatures would say that they were not going to hurt him, only to backstab the puff and try to kill him. He wasn't going to let that happen again, but this 'Kiawe' seemed caring enough... 

Kirby took a deep breath, just as Kiawe said to. He calmed down slightly.

"I can help you, Kirby. What happened?" Kiawe calmed Kirby down by placing a hand gently on his head and stroking him. Kirby flinched, but felt more at ease.

"Big monstah twied to kill me and my fwiends. Gala' Kni and Medi Kni pwobaby awound here somewhea." Kirby tried to explain, but his lack of vocabulary made Kiawe struggle with understanding. After coaxing Kirby to let Kiawe pick him up, he scooped him up and got on Charizard.

"You're going to be okay, Kirby. Me and my friends will be able to help you. Charizard, we still need to make those deliveries, okay?" Kiawe said to Charizard. The dragon nodded and took flight at a tremendous speed. Kirby looked around in the sky, feeling nostalgic. After Meta Knight accidentally showed his wings to Kirby when he tried to take over Dreamland, he had been with him on flights (After he had calmed down and joined Kirby's side), and this reminded Kirby of those times.

"Poyo teacha Medi Kni has wings too, poyo!" Kirby tried to explain, flapping his paws. "Wike Chahza!" Kiawe nodded.

"That's nice." (He didn't really have anything to say)

 "So, where are you from?"

"I's f'om Dweamland!" Kirby replied. "I fight Demun Beasts with de help of my mentor, Medi Knigh."

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