The Epilogue/Final Night

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I sigh as I trudge into Professor Kukui's home. I follow him into the kitchen, barely looking up. My bloody, pink lance and damaged, white shield dissipated in a flash of light like they always do when I'm finished with them.

 I remember as I buried... Meta... His ruined, destroyed wings transformed back into his cape. I remembered as I looked at the shadowy blue silk with golden trimmings. I couldn't look at it, and in a moment of weakness, I gave the cape to Professor Kukui for safekeeping as we were walking to his house.

"It would be in better hands here," I had said. "Dreamland is too dangerous."

He accepted it. He promised to keep the cape safe inside his house and to always think of Meta Knight whenever he looks upon it.

Everyone in Alola is so nice...

When I finally look up, I see Ash and his little yellow Pikachu. They gave me sympathetic glances; everything was dead silent. I sat down on the green couch next to the human boy.

"So... What do we do now?" Ash asks the Professor, eyeing a gash on his cheek which I gave him not half an hour before. I regret it, but I couldn't control myself.

"We tell the Aether Foundation what happens." Professor Kukui replies, keeping a straight face. He got antiseptic cream and a Band-Aid from a cupboard. "We tell them that we have caught Tsurara safely in a Pokeball. We tell them that the danger is over. We also tell them... The casualties."

I nodded. I knew mental pain well like it was my best friend, but I haven't felt it in so long, I couldn't cope. I took off my mask and placed it on the coffee table. I sighed. I didn't know what to say.

"Galacta... I'm so sorry..." Ash muttered. I think he also didn't know what to say. "He made a sacrifice, for all of us. If it wasn't for him... We'd all be dead."

I nodded, looking at Pikachu who put a paw on my arm, Pika-ing quietly.

"I couldn't say... goodbye." I managed to splutter through the massive lump in my throat. "I didn't get any time... to say sorry, or to thank him for everything he's ever done... Plus, th-that talking cat-thing saved Kirby. To think he was... evil I think?"

"Yeah... Meowth was a villain." Ash said, looking off in the distance. "He and the other two used to terrorize us, you know, nearly every week we would see them being complete jerks. Try to kidnap our Pokemon, or just ruin everything... But he changed in the past week. Since you guys came, the entire Trio acted completely differently, even he sacrificed himself in such a selfless way for Kirby. They would have never done that if Meta Knight didn't shape their perceptions of the greater good."

Silent tears ran down my face. "So... M-Meta saved everyone by ch-changing the villains' point of view, th-they helped us through everything..." I couldn't say any more, the constricted feeling in my throat becoming too much. The two caring humans understood, though.

Professor Kukui came from the kitchen with three cups of steaming hot tea. (I guess tea helps in these trying times?? I guess tea makes us all feel a bit better, with it's sweet warmth engulfing you like a big, kind, caring, fluffy blanket.)

"I talked to one of them, before I went go get Galacta Knight." The Professor said, taking a sip of his tea before yelping as it scorched his tongue. That made me laugh slightly on the inside. "The male,his name was James, I think, he was going through some tough times just like everyone else. I told him I didn't want them to go through it alone because even though they are the villains, they have the same feelings as us, same emotions, and if death comes upon one of their best friends because they changed their ways to help save everyone..." 

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