Chapter Fifteen: The Night of Wholesomeness

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Indeed, Mimo and Kirby were in trouble. The nasty Tsurara had visited them while Kiawe and the other puffballs were cleaning the stable.

Kiawe was overprotective of his sister, and this made him run the fastest he had ever run. Mimo was in trouble, and he wanted to protect

He found the ice wolf circling Kirby and Mimo the way a predator would circle prey. If Mimo or Kirby tried to escape, Tsurara would growl in a low and menacing way.

Tsurara lift Mimo into the air using her magic, by the ankle.

"Let me GO!" Mimo cried. "My big brother is coming to get you! He'll come save me!!" The wolf smiled, showing canine teeth and large, pointed fangs. The little girl gulped, whimpering in fear.

"Thank you for telling me." Tsurara said telepathically. She dropped Mimo into the ground, Kirby helping her back up. The demon looked around and found Kiawe sprinting towards them. Tsurara pushed Mimo into the dirt, pressing a paw down onto her. The claws dug into her, making her cry out in pain.

"MIMO!" A voice cut through the air like a blade. It was Kiawe, running straight for them. Mimo smiled charmingly and squeaked in relief.

"Kiawe!!!" Suddenly she screamed as Tsurara kicked her behind, freezing Kirby to the ground by his foot.

Tsurara froze Kiawe's ankles with her powers for a split second, making him trip and tumble face-first into the dirt. He got back up immediately, fire metaphorically burning in his eyes and heart.

"Don't touch her!" He growled, clenching his fists. He grabbed a pokeball from the pocket of his shorts and threw it. In a blinding red light, Marowak emerged from the ball.

"Technically, I'm not physically touching her." Tsurara laughed, picking up Mimo by the ankle using telekinesis. She screamed again.

"Put me down wolfy!" She screeched angrily. "Put me down!"

"Ka'we!!" Kirby cried, feet stuck to the ground. Tsurara kicked Kirby in the face, making him shut up. A tear slid down Kirby's face as he quaked in fea

Meta Knight unsheathed his sacred sword, Galaxia. The lightning flashed for a bit before dying down and revealing the blade. Galacta Knight followed in his footsteps, summoning her lance and shield, both glowing a bright, white light.

"Tsurara, why have you done this?" Galacta Knight asked. "Why did you throw us into this world?"

"I am a lone hunter, Galacta Knight. I've decided that, by destroying all of the worlds' strongest heroes, there would be nobody to conquer them all. Because I would rule everywhere. Alola, Dreamland, Every single world."

"Well, murdering people in cold blood isn't exactly a good deed." Galacta Knight pointed out. She blinked and suddenly the wolf was on top of her, faces inches away.

"The worlds will be taken by me and you'll be long dead before I take over. In fact, you'll be dead very, very soon." Tsurara snarled, spitting in Galacta's face.

Galacta Knight gestured to Kiawe and Meta Knight to get Mimo and Kirby. The beast seemed to be fixated on Galacta Knight, and not paying any attention to the children. By the time Galacta Knight and Tsurara were properly fighting, Mimo and Kirby were safe in Kiawe's parents' arms. Kirby looked up at Kiawe's mother, fear hinted in his eyes.

"We'll take care of this, mum and dad." Kiawe said. "Just get Mimo and Kirby to safety."

His parents nodded and backed away.

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