Chapter Four: Ultra Guardians Assemble!

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Galacta Knight sat in a small office room with the three humans she knew and one new person. She had white hair and tan skin.

"Hi, what's your name? Galacta Knight asked. "I'm Galacta Knight, and I'm from another world and I hope you can tell me whats going on."

"Hi, Galacta Knight!" the human greeted with a grin. "I'm Professor Burnet, and I'm a scientist like your friends. Since you aren't familiar with this place, or this entire world to be precise, I'm just going to give you a quick run down. Alola is a series of islands, Melemele Island, Akala Island, Poni Island, Ula'ula island and this artificial island called Aether Paradise. Us four work in Aether Paradise as scientists researching Pokemon. We also conduct research on other things, but I'll explain later. Right now, we are going to ask some questions about you. Don't be afraid that you're gonna get tested on as that wont happen here. First question, would you classify yourself as an Ultra Beast? An Ultra Beast is like a pokemon which doesn't live in this world. They also can be violent and dangerous, but some are friendly and docile."

"Well, I don't think i would want to be called an Ultra Beast, because I'm no beast. I may be an alien, but where I come from, we fight demon beasts all the time. The term 'Beast' in our world refers to the monsters created by the villains in our galaxy. But, I'm sure you can classify the monster that brought me and my friends Meta Knight and Kirby, as an Ultra beast."

"Thanks! If we don't classify you as an Ultra Beast, what species are you from?" Professor Burnet asked, with a pen and notepad in her hands. "Just tell me when these questions are getting too personal, we only want the best for you and your friends. We will also help you sort out this monster than brought you here and find a way to send you home, got it?"

"Thank you, Professor. I appreciate getting help. I'm a puffball, but other people call us puffs, creampuffs, sentient balls, whatever describes us." Galacta Knight said. 

"Thank you for co operating. Okay, that's it for questions for now. Galacta Knight, we would like to help you get home and find your friends. Also, I want to show you something." Professor Burnet said. "Come with me, and I'll show you something amazing!"

Galacta Knight followed the researcher and gasped at the beautiful sight. It was like the entire world in an island. Unique pokemon scurried along the grass, flew in the air, or swam in lakes and lagoons.

"This is our institution for pokemon. We bring them if they're injured or sick, and they heal up here in an area that replicates the wild." Wicke explained cheerfully, gesturing to all the wildlife playing in the trees. Galacta Knight laughed.

"This place is amazing!" She cried, spreading her wings, and launching herself into the air. She dived and soared. She looked at all the flying pokemon, who looked back at her with curiosity. Lusamine watched in awe of the foreign puff before her. After some time exploring, Lusamine called Galacta Knight back to the platform.

"Hey, Galacta Knight, come back here!" Wicke called.

"We have a pokemon that we would like to introduce to you!" Lusamine smiled. She walked into a room filled with little, purple things- blobs. Galacta Knight walked into the middle of the room, looking at the little blobs.

"These are ditto. We keep them in a separate room because they can transform into other pokemon." 

"Why, they're almost the same colour as Miss Galacta Knight here!" Faba exclaimed, trying not to snicker. Galacta Knight nodded.

"Well, that's the reason we wanted to show these guys to you. To be honest, the ditto reminds me of your kind." Wicke explained.

"They remind me of Kirby, actually." Galacta Knight murmured.

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