"Yes, what can I help you with?" Louis sighs and takes a deep breath collecting his anger at Zayn to speak to the woman with respect.

"Hi, my friends and I were at a party last night and our friend left with your son and we were wondering if he was here?" He asks the lady and the woman who was the mother of Kris looked at Louis shocked.

"No. That young man didn't come here." She say as heavily confused.

"So do you know where he is?" Louis asks the woman just as confused knowing he seen Niall leave with her son and that's the only place he'd go.

"Well I did see him last night, he made sure my son Kris got one safely because he was pretty drunk. He stayed with him until I got there." She says telling the full truth about the kid who cared for her son who she was grateful for.

"So he stayed at the party?" Louis mutters to himself as he thanks the woman and turns away. He looks up to Zayn who was looking at him confused as to why Niall wasn't walking with him.

Louis gets in the car and looks at Zayn with matching confused faces.

"He's not here."




"Hey Mr. Styles?" I say from the passenger side of the car. Harry turns to look at me with the same monotone expression he normally had with slight bags under his eyes.

"Where are we headed?" I ask not really thinking this part through and wondering how the hell could we hide.

"My family had a nice vacation home in Napa Valley. Since it's surrounded by acres of Land I doubt anyone would look there." He says groggily as his voice gets deeper.

"Oh. That's smart." Niall says to himself sitting in the same spot they sat in for hours all night. Well not necessarily because Niall had the chance to sleep.

"Maybe we should stop, eat and buy ourselves new phones before we get to our destination, that way you don't have to leave the house when we get there." I suggest and without say a word Harry signals to the exit and we head off the road to find civilization.

We come in contact with a Walmart, sushi place and car wash in one complex. We turn in and park. Soon enough we were out the car stretching getting ready to head in the store. As we were walking I could feel Harry staring at me. Something he did a couple of times.

I turn back to try and catch him but he was yawning at the time. I just lead the sleepy man into Walmart and we walk to electronic aisle. I grabbed two disposable phones and met up with Harry at the counter who had two brand new IPhones.

"What the hell? Dude we're supposed to be laying low." I tell him pulling him to the side. Harry shakes his head.

"We need access to news outlets at the touch of our fingertips, we need to be able to FaceTime if we're away, take photos and a lot of other useful things." He explains and I shake my head.

"Dude, they could track these!" I whisper yell at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Why would they track two random cell phones? The only way they'd track us is if they knew we had these phones." Harry tells me and he does have a point.

"Okay. Only because you're buying them." I say and we both walk to the counter to see the Cashier waiting for us. We put the phones up on the counter and pay for them.

We decided to set them up later. We grab some food from the Walmart eating area and we leave as quickly as possible.



Back at home

Louis and Zayn spent the morning driving by the skate park, other parks, various hangout spots and by their own homes. All while calling Nialls phone. They even went by Kimmys house again to check and he wasn't there. They began to worry.

"Should we just see if he's home?" Louis says exhausted from looking for his friend and being so worked up.

"He'd be answering his phone if he was home Louis." Zayn growls out equally irritated and tired.

"Well we have to at least tell his mum." He tells Zayn and they both make the tough decision to involve Ms. Maura.

They drive to her home trying to muster up the courage to tell her that her son may be missing. They may have to tell her they made a mistake and didn't watch Niall as closely as they had thought. And they had to watch her break.

They pulled into her driveway and before the could walk to the door she came storming out with Bobby trailing close behind her.

"God damnit, Niall Horan I am going to kill you!" She yells and realization hit for the boys. They were in Nialls car so she assumed Niall was with them.

"Niall get out here now!" She yells pulling Zayn out the way to inspect the car. She is then shut up by the sight of her son nowhere in the car. She quickly turns to face the two boys who had their heads hung not prepared to give her traumatizing news.

"What is going on? Where's Niall? When I get my hands on that boy!" She says fuming at the fact that her baby boy was still out galloping the streets.

"We can't find him." Louis says to Maura. She then stops her rant looking to Louis shocked at his words.

"What do you mean?" She asks walking towards him.

"We went to a party last night and this morning we woke up and he wasn't there." Zayn says and Ms. Maura couldn't even believe what she was hearing.

"He said he was with you! That your parents weren't home and he was staying at your house!" She began to yell at Louis and Louis realized Niall had put him in a lie that he didn't know about.

"I understand Miss, but Niall lies and we went to a party. We're so sorry. We've looked for him everywhere but we can't find him." Louis confesses and Ms. Maura looks to her husband with tears in her eyes.

"What do we do?"


Man I am on fire with this story anyways

Tell me what you think is gonna happen next

Love and kisses

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