Chapter 22

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"Where are we going?" Astrid asked. "You'll see." Hiccup said. "You'll love it." "I hate surprises. Tell me please." Astrid whined. "We're almost there." Hiccup said. They arrived to an amusement park. "The amusement park? How is it still open?" Astrid asked and unbuckled her seat belt. "Unlike you, people don't sleep at 7pm. It's open until midnight." Hiccup said and got out off the car. He opened Astrid's door. "What a gentleman." Astrid said. "I always am, milady." He said and smirked. She giggled and got out off the car. "You're sweet, but I can open my own doors." She said and pinched his cheek. He pouted. "We have a lot of work to do. I still have to win over you." Hiccup said smugly. "Is that a challenge?" She asked. "Uh huh." "Okay if you lose you're going to buy ice cream." She said. "The same goes to you." He said. "Game on." Astrid said. They hand shook. They entered in and bought tickets. "Which game shall we start with?" Hiccup asked. "Bumping cars. Who gets less bumped is the winner." Astrid said. "Okay." They played bumping cars and Astrid won. "I told you I'll win." Astrid said smugly. "You may won the battle, but I'll win the war." Hiccup said. They played another games. "You cheated on the last game. Cheater." Astrid said and crossed her arms. "Don't know what you are talking about." Hiccup said  innocently. "It's a tie now. We need a tie breaker. How about dance battle?" "You're going to lose." Astrid said smugly. "Oh really." Hiccup said and nodded. "We'll see." They played and Astrid won. "But how?" Hiccup asked. "Told ya." Astrid said and smirked. "I'm a pro at this game. Now, I want my ice cream." "Remind me next time to never suggest this game." Hiccup mumbled. Astrid giggled. They went to an ice cream shop. "Excuse me, we can to two ice creams. I'll take butterscotch and blueberry. What do you want Astrid?" Hiccup said. Astrid smiled at him. "Chocolate and pistachio." Astrid said. She knew exactly why he chose those flavors, to match her and she did the same. "In a cone or a cup?" The ice cream scooper asked. "Cup." They both said. He scooped the ice cream for them. "Here is for the two lovebirds." The ice cream scooper said. They both blushed. "Oh no we're just friends." Hiccup explained. It never felt awkward about how close they were to each other after their break up until now. "Oh sorry." The ice cream scooper said. "It's alright." Astrid said. Hiccup paid the guy and him and Astrid went back to his car. He putted his ice cream on the cup holder and started his car. "Where are we going now?" Astrid asked. "Docks, but if you're tired I can take you home." Hiccup said. "No it's alright." Astrid said. He drove to the docks, but they didn't get out of the car. "Astrid." Hiccup called. Astrid answered with an hmm since she had ice cream in her mouth. "Do you think our break up was the right thing?" Hiccup asked. Astrid coughed. "Are you okay?" Hiccup said and patted her back softly. "Yeah yeah I'm okay. Your question just wasn't expected to say the least." She said and cleared her throat. "You don't have to answer though." Hiccup said. "No it's alright. I think it is." Astrid said. "I mean I still love you, but I think it's the best for both of us. Besides you're going to find another girl." "What if I still love a certain blonde?" Hiccup asked. Green met blue. "What if this blonde is broken more than you think she is?" Astrid said. She pitted her ice cream on the cup holder and kissed him. He kissed back. Astrid jumped on his lap and took off his shirt, trying her best to not leave his lips. He did the same and unclipped her bra. "We can't do this." Astrid said. "I know." Hiccup said, but they didn't stop from what they started.

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