•》Chapter XII: "Loveless Date" - Part2《•

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"Um... can I call you?" he asked.

Per happily nodded and put her contact number on his phone.

"So, I'll see you again on Friday." he confirmed.

"Yes" she responded.

"Alright, I'll go now." he said, but before he step down the platform, Per grabbed his shirt and tip toed her feet.

She lifted her body and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Good night, Dr Mohan" she said with her bright smile.

Mohan returned a glad smile at her.

That night, they went off carrying a bliss in their hearts.


"Did you do what I said?" Claire asked.

"Yes" Per answered.

"And then?" Claire dug in.

"He smiled." she answered softly.

Claire knew from her tone, it was not just an ordinary smile she received from the guy.

"You look happy." she told her.

"I am. He's a very nice guy. I enjoyed being with him the whole day." Per replied in a sweet tone.

"Do you like him now?" she asked in a curious voice.

"You know I can't have that feeling. I'm just happy." Per answered.

"Happiness is part of love Per." she clarified.

Per whose brushing her hair, stopped.

"I don't know Claire." she replied in a low tone.

Then, she turned and looked straight to her eyes.

"How about you? How did know you're in love with Zach?" she asked.

"I knew I love him the day I realized I can no longer do what I came here to do. The day my hatred turned into care." Claire answered with her serious face.

"Well, I'm gonna have to erase his memories anyway. I think it's better if I will not have that kind of feeling for him." she replied with a smile, but Claire knew her expression wasn't real.

While putting on her clothes, she noticed Claire is squeezing her right fingers again.

"What's wrong with your right hand?" she asked. She sounded concerned.

Claire lifted it and looked at her palm.

"I don't know, lately it started to feel unrelaxed." she answered.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Per asked in a worried tone.

"I thought it'll fade away in time." she reasoned.

Per sat down beside her and took her hand to check it herself, but she found nothing wrong with it.

"Should we call Fil?" she suggested.

"Nah, I think it's just muscle cramps." Claire guessed.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

Claire nodded.


The next day, they all decided to stay in the hotel. They played cards, chatted, joked and laughed.

They also played at the pool, ate and finished a bottle of whiskey. It was Zach's first time to get drunk.

"I'll take him to bed now." Claire told them.

She assisted him to their room and laid him gently on the soft bed. He quickly fell asleep.

Claire tittered while watching him breathing.

"Sorry baby. I forgot you don't drink." she whispered with a smile.

After kissing his cheek, she bit her lower lip while thinking of a flirty thought.

She about to do more when all of a sudden, her right hand twitched and a sharp pain crept on her fingers.

She quickly stood and moved away. She held her wrist tight and tried to control her hand. It was shaking terribly wild.

She then lifted her head and looked at Zach sleeping on the bed. She felt both scared and worried. She quickly dropped on her knees and bent down. She buried her hand in her body trying hard to cease it.

She pressed her lips together and forced her fingers to close. The pain made her moaned. Then, it suddenly stopped.

While breathing heavy on the floor, she slowly pulled half of her body up. She immediately looked at her hand and saw it was still shaking a little.

That abrupt occurrance made her completely frightened.

During the night, she tried not to sleep to stay alert. She didn't know what was happening to her, so she kept her distance worried she might cause a harm.

To be continued...

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