(Omake) Fonaar's Observation #1

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Disclaimers: I do not own Fairy Tail, Pathfinders, or Dungeons and Dragons.

A/N: Yesterday I received one of the best reviews I have gotten for this story in a long time and it made me realize that due to the time that has gone by since my last update, people may think that this story was on dead. I do have plans to update this story, it's next on the list after I update Right Claw and Romeo's Rising. So yes, this story is still alive and I hope this makes will hold you over until I get to it.

P.S. I'm working on Right Claw right now and I know you guys want to see what happens between Romeo and Wendy.


Fonaar's Observation #1

Fonaar wasn't what you would call stupid, not by any means. It didn't take him long to realize that only Romeo could understand what he was saying if the reactions of those who were around him whenever the dragon spoke were anything to go off of. Now while Fonaar did occasionally "slip up" and "talk" to the other humans as though they could understand his threats, complaints, and insults, these moments were few and far between, at least in his opinion.

It also didn't take him long to conclude that whenever the boy talks to him he was speaking in the same language the other humans around him spoke and that his words were somehow begin translated so that Fonaar could understand them and this was before the elderly male human even told him about the "Wild Mark" and "Wild Link" that the boy possessed.

But back to the main topic, Fonaar wasn't stupid. While lesser creatures would constantly and without fail, give in to their instincts, the young dragon was more probe to use his keen eye and observe than to attack first, ask questions never. While yes, there have been some times when he let his primal urge take over and throw caution to the wind, those moments were a rarity in themselves.

But through all his observations of various human settlements, he has come across in his travels, including the large settlement where he first met Romeo he has taken notices of several human behaviors that have baffle him to no end.

For starters, the concept of sharing. From what he has seen, most animals kept what they took and shared it with no one except their closet family members and even that was rare in the wild. Naturally, this was their right seeing how they were the ones who put forth the effort to obtain their prize, whether it be a fresh kill or an object to further their status.

But humans remarkably shared everything, from their food to their homes to everyone within their communities.

Fonaar was especially surprised to find out that some even shared their mates within their groups.....


That was a particularity strange campsite he came across while hunting that night and one day he would have to ask Romeo why they were doing that.

Anyway, another matter of human sharing that confounded Fonaar was the fact that while they were eager to share whenever they were in small groups and such when it came to larger numbers of them not only were they unwilling to split their resources but they would even go as far use physical violence with one another to make sure said resources stay within their possession.

Why would you fight over your resources when it was less wasteful to simply share what you had?

Why would you risk losing everything over items such as shining metal, food, and water which was plentiful?

Was it truly be worth it in the long run?

Humans were indeed a mystery to Fonaar, and he would probably never understand them. But he better get used to them seeing how one was going to be constantly around him for quite some time.

A/N: I would like to point out that this is entirely through Fonaar's point of view, without any input from anyone else including Romeo, so he has no humans explaining these odd humans behaviors to him.

The Wild MasterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora