On The Edge

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Chapter 13

Fonaar snaps and growls at the spiders as their circle surrounding him and the others got ever smaller with each step the arachnids took. And as if his actions were daring one of them to make a move against him, one of the large arachnid rose to the challenge and leaps at him only to be immediately gutted upon Fonaar's tail impaling him in mid-air, it's inner fluids splashing all over the draconian lizard's face. Fonaar tosses the corpse aside into the mass of encroaching spiders and almost immediately it was set upon by its former comrades, being reduced to a puddle of goo in mere seconds. Then one of the spiders, guts of his kin still dripping from his fangs, turns to face Wendy and readies itself to pounce.

Wendy spots the beast preparing to attack and takes a deep breath in response.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!", she castes as a rush of swirling air escapes from her mouth and unleashes itself on the spider as well as those behind it. A gap is instantly formed within the ranks of the horde as every spider in the path of the spell was flung off the ground, high into the air and toward the forest, the sounds of their bodies breaking onto the forest floor being heard throughout the area. Fonaar's keen eyesight spots a few of the remaining spiders breaking off in that direction, though whether it was for them to retreat or leaving in hopes of getting a quick meal, he could not tell.

Sensing the dragon's preoccupation in another direction, a second spider dashes him from behind hoping to catch him off-guard. Fonaar hears the muffled footsteps rapidly coming up behind him and turns to face his opponent, only to see four arrows flying past him, striking the arachnid in the entire right side of it's set of eyes. It lets out a shrill of pain as it reels back and barely has time to face the general direction from which the arrows came before two more arrows hit their mark on its two lower left eyes. This causes the monster to give a final death shriek before collapsing to the ground in a heap, its legs curling up. Just like its brethren a few moments before, it was set upon by the surrounding members of its species.

It was during this brief gory feast that Fonaar briefly flashes his eyes over to where the arrows appear from and spot Kolvar readying another arrow. But before he could give a snort of displeasure on how the elf stole his kill, Romeo's screams pierce through the night and the dragon's attention was drawn to the house where he witnesses the alpha spider, its body easily dwarfing the building beneath it, plunge it head through the ceiling and into the inner sanctum of the Cait Shelter guildhall. When it rears its head back up a moment later, Fonaar let out a sigh of relief to see that Romeo wasn't within its jaws.

But the dragon had no time to waste as it watches the behemoth dive once more into the building, he had to get to Romeo fast. Spreading his wings out and spooking away the nearby spiders that were encroaching on him, with one strong flap Fonaar was up in the air and taking off toward the leader of the horde, fully intended on defeating it to protect Romeo.

But he didn't even get a good dozen yards before something attach to his left rear leg and started pulling him back down to the ground. As he struggles to stay in the air he turns around and spots a white sticky substance encasing his leg. It was the same substance that Fonaar witness grabbed the elf at the beginning of the assault and he follows the string coming off of it lead back down to the ground and into the mouth of one of the spiders. Fonaar couldn't even fathom what was happening before a second shot of the same substance grabbed onto his front right leg. Soon another and another shot of webbing was latching onto the dragon's body coming up from the mob underneath him and within moments, almost half of his body was covered in webbing, but through all of this he refuses to be brought down back to earth as his wings were still freed and even the might of at least a dozen of the giant spiders wasn't enough to take him out of the sky.

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