The Raising of The Wild.

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Chapter 2

Magnolia X784

"Dammit Seamus, Gared, will you two calm down for just a second?", the woman known as Lisa Garney screamed as she tries to get control of her pit-bull and golden retriever, who was currently barking up a storm in her front yard, "What in blazes has gotten into you?"

The pair ignore their master and continue to bark up a storm, letting loose a barrage of yelps and barks that assault the ears of the nearby neighbor whose faces clearly convey the feeling of annoyance they were feeling at the moment.

"I'm going to get a noise citation ticket for this, I just know it if you two don't-" Lisa began to say before all of a sudden both canines cease their tantrum and are suddenly sitting down with happy panting and exciting tail wagging.

"What the?" the retire daycare staffer started to say.

"Hi Missus Garney, Hi Seamus, hi Gared!", a jubilant voice from behind greets causing a smile to appear on Lisa's face as she turns around to behold the sight of the six

-year-old Romeo Conbolt standing on the other side of her fence while waving frantically at the three of them with a radiating smile is spread across his face.

Lisa retired last year from child daycaring, the same year that Romeo and his sisters enroll, though they didn't stay long due to the rising price in child care that was going on within the country of Fiore.

She always found Romeo to be a odd child, mostly because of his highly active imagination, nonetheless he was a good kid, even if his strange anti-magic ability made him sort of an outcast amongst the rest of the kids and the staff. But on the bright side, it got the city to give them a budget increase to cover all the magical equipment he accidentally got his hands on.

"Ah Romeo, the two of them seem to burst with joy whenever you are around", Missus Garney commented as she walked over to let him in, "Why don't you play with the boys for a bit while I make you something to eat?"

"Thank you", as he dashes through the gate and under her only to be tackled by the canine duo who proceed to smother him in licks to which he accepted gracefully.

"Ah, it tickles! Stop it you two", Lisa hears as she walks inside to prepare the meal.

A good minute into the licking Romeo is able to sit up enough to look at Seamus who was wagging happily, "Why were you two barking?", he asks only to get a series of barks in return.

"Oh, I see; so that's the problem. I'll see what I can do about it", Romeo says as he lets himself up and walks over to the front door, "Missus Garney!"

"Yes Romeo?", she says without looking behind her as she finishes up the sandwiches.

"Seamus says the reason he and Gared were barking so loud was that dishwasher of yours scared them!"

This causes Lisa to turn around and stare at the boy for a moment before thinking, "Such an active imagination even for someone his age. He knows he can't talk to animals and even if he could use magic, there isn't a spell in the world that would allow you to."

"Romeo dear, I doubt my dishwasher was the cause of that ruckus they were causing, now come and get your sandwich", Miss Garney order.

"But it's the truth Miss-", Romeo started to argue before getting cut off.

"Enough of your imagination; now get your sandwich and be off!", Miss Garney snap though she didn't mean to, it was just her irritation from the dogs' barking hadn't fully gone away yet.

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