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Chapter 15

"So does anyone have a clue on what exactly Fonaar is?", Carla asks as she, Wendy, Porlyusica, and Roubaul found themselves watching the young dragon as he stood guard over a sleeping Romeo. The morning has come and gone yet the boy still remained asleep by the dragon, "I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a dragon out there who can change from one species to another."

Porlyusica shrugs, "There are places in the world that are still unexplored and dragons have been known to sleep for hundreds sometimes thousands of years. Whose knows what types of these mystical beasts are out there just waiting to be discovered or rediscovered? Who knows how many civilizations have risen and fallen in the span of what they might have considered a nap?"

"Good point, though I do find it odd", Wendy says as she places a hand on her chin.

"What?", Roubaul wonders as he looks toward the girl.

"Well, it's just that a little while before we even left for the temple to retrieve the Savage Blade, I was reading to Romeo and Fonaar about Red Dragons", Wendy admitted, "And that was when his Wild Mark started to glow."

"Do you think there is a connection?", Roubaul asks the girl though he was also addressing Porlyusica and Carla as well.

"I don't know what to think", Wendy shrugs, "A week ago I didn't even know Wild Masters were still around and yet here I am watching one take an afternoon nap on a dragon that was just trying to kill me not even three days ago."

"Life works in mysterious ways", Porlyusica quotes.

"Speaking of which, I was hoping one of you could answer a question for me.", Wendy says.

"And what is that, child?", Roubaul asks.

"How come Romeo was able to resist the heat Fonaar was giving off when he was a red dragon? Porylusica looked like she was about to faint and I myself was having a hard time with it."

"Hmmm", Roubaul replies as he tilts his head in thought, "I recall from my youth about legends where the Wild Mark allows Wild Masters to resist high temperatures for a short period."

"So Romeo is fireproof?", Carla questions only to receive vigorously head shake from Roubaul.

"No, no, no, that is an entirely different thing. Romeo can resist the heat that emits from a great fire or whatnot but he can't walk through and expect to be unscathed", Roubaul explains.

"Then what about his clothes?", Wendy says as she recalls that hers almost burn away just from being near Fonaar last night along with her hair.

"I can answer that", Porlyusica interjects, "Do you remember when I told you that Romeo comes from a family of fire mages?"

Wendy nods, "I do."

"Well, don't you think that it would be practical for him to have heat and fire-resistant clothing growing up in a household like that?"

"But I thought magical items break when Romeo touches them", Carla says.

"There is a special plant that grows on Fiore's northern coast, Hell's Bane, that if applied to fabric just right makes them resistant to fire and heat, an alternative to magic spells that achieve the same effect", Porlyusica explains, "It's not cheap though and his parents have to take on more jobs than most people their age usually do in order to pay for Romeo's clothes to be shipped to Magnolia."

"Huh, I did not know that", Wendy said.

"You learn something new every day", Porlyusica replies, "Especially out here."

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