Mountains Will Crumble In The Wild

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Chapter 6

Romeo's eyes snap open and he sat up straight in such a hurry that he nearly collided with Porlyusica, who was leaning over him checking his wounds.

"Fonaar and Wendy are fighting!", he screams out, causing both Porlyusica and Roubaul to stare at him bewildered.

"What?", was all the Potion Mage could say.

"Fonaar and Wendy are fighting!", Romeo repeats as he stands up waving his arms around before feeling a pain shoot through the back of his head. He touches the spot where it was originating from and was surprised to feel something moist and when he brings his hand back he notices small batches of red on his fingertips.


"You got injure at the beginning of all this mess,", Porlyusica began to explain, "You should be fine as long as you don't strain yourself."

"Now, you said something about Wendy fighting?", Roubaul question.

"Yeah, over by a bunch of big rocks with a pond, or a lake, or a really small ocean, or a really big puddle! I didn't get a real good look at it, but-!" Romeo shouts as he starts getting energetic again.

"Easy there, boy", Master Roubaul says calmly, hoping to settle the boy down, "Take a deep breath."

"But-!", Romeo starts to shout before Porlyusica intervene.

"Calm down, Romeo!", she tells him and the boy looks up at her with a tearful expression.

"But-!", he tries once again, only this time Roubaul stop him by holding a hand up to his face.

"The longer it takes you to calm down, the longer it's going to take us to stop Wendy and Fonaar. If we hurry, we can get there in time.", he states, causing Porlyusica to throw him a look of confusion.

"Did I miss something here? Romeo was unconscious when Wendy, Carla, and Fonaar went off into the woods; how could he possibly know where they are at?"

Roubaul takes a breath before moving toward the door, "Time is a major factor right now. I know where this place that Romeo speaks of is and like I said, we must hurry and get there before something happens."

"I understand that, but you haven't answered my question", Porlyusica states.

"I'll explain later, but now, come Romeo", Roubaul says, "For like I said beforehand while you were knock out, you're the only one here who can stop those two."

The forest surrounding Cait Shelter's village

Ferocious would best describe the opponent Wendy was currently facing. In her opinion, this dragon was the truly the embodiment of savage fury. Despite the bleeding gash that was over its right eye that Wendy dealt him during her surprise attack, the dragon refuses to relinquish any of his savageries from earlier, if anything it only increased from the wounds Wendy has inflicted on him so far. He seemed to ignore the wound on his eye, as well as the wide tears in his left wing that Wendy left in it when she got in a lucky Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang all the while seeming unfazed by the wounds that she already inflicted on him back at the village. She has already cast Vernier, Arms, and Armor on herself, (a fact that dishearten her to no end because she was trying to avoid that, but she couldn't take chances with this opponent) and yet she was barely keeping the upper hand in the fight and if she was to cast the lle version of them, her magic would quickly burn out.

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