19-The Days

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Autumn's POV

I stared out the limo at the familiar mansion. I smiled placing my pointer finger lightly on the glass. I said, "Hasn't changed much." I looked at the orange and teal roses that were separated to different sides by the front door. I smiled, "You boys obviously put your mark on it."

Hikaru said, "Yeah, dad asked us what we wanted to do."

Kaoru continued, "Don't they look pretty, Autumn?"

I nodded my head as the limo came to a stop. I pushed open the door and hopped out before the driver even had a chance. Dad called after me, "You're that excited?"

I did a pirouette in response. Mitsukuni let out a gasp. I stopped and looked at him. He commented, "I didn't know you could dance."

I grinned, "Well, I was learning since I was little. Even with all the hard parts, I got through it with Mrs.Johnson."

Everyone began now getting out. I stopped my pirouette. After a moment Mitsukuni came over enveloping me in a hug. I smiled as I returned it.

In unison, my brothers said, "You guys were made for each other."

Dad came over and patted my head. I instantly switched to hugging Dad. I dug my face into his chest, "I missed you!"

He continued ruffling my hair, "It was only 2 years, Sunshine." I understood but let out a whine. He sighed, "What am I going to do with you?"

I shrugged as I kept melting into his embrace. It's been too long, Dad. I also was on the last week with Mom. I got through all the years with hiccups here and there, but sheesh... She wanted me in an arranged marriage...

I paused turning to my brothers. I asked, "Are you guys in arranged marriages." I saw them both begin to answer in unison. Although they weren't.

Hikaru said, "Currently, yes."

While Kaoru said, "Currently, no."

I looked at Hikaru, "Mom, huh?"

Hikaru nodded, "Yeah, it's cause I'm the eldest. I'm on track to have to take care of stuff including the marriage."

I sighed, "Well, are you happy with it?"

Hikaru went on, "I guess."


I sat down at the dining room table with everyone. Dad sat at the head while Mitsukuni and I sat across from my brothers.

Dad said, "Now, I'm so glad to see us all sitting down for a meal. I can't believe I haven't seen you since you were 16, Autumn."

The maids began sitting our plates in front of us. Dad continued, "Mitsukuni, I'm glad to finally meet you in person. I'm glad that you're the person my Sunshine ended up with."

I smiled, "Dad, I'm glad to be back too."

Mitsukuni's POV

I followed Autumn's dad, Hayato, to his office. Hayato went and sat down in his chair. I followed in suit but stood on the opposite side of the table. He smiled, "Sit down. Don't worry."

I sat down. I interlocked my fingers and sat my hands in my lap. I smiled, "Thanks, sir."

He smiled even broader, "No need for formalities. Call me Hayato. Can I call you Mitsukuni?"

I replied, "Of course."

Hayato continued, "Autumn has told me about you during our calls."

I questioned, "She did?"

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