16-Our Final Fair

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Autumn's POV

I couldn't believe it was getting close to the end of the school year. It was time for the Ouran Fair. Each day ticking by until the eldest pair of the club graduated.

I sighed and exited the dressing room. I was in a solid black dress that landed close to my ankles. The top of the dress was similar to a t-shirt. I patted at my hips. All the rest of the club were in white tuxes. Mom went all out for today's outfits.

I gently clutched at the thin gold strands of the necklace that lead down to a hanging chunk of sapphire.

Today... We were hosting guests that were coming for the last time of the school year. Now are their last days in the club.

Mori and Honey had been getting more requests. But, it's probably because they're going to graduate. So this one of the last times girls can request them. I don't know how we'll survive without them next year.

I walked around the room seeing the girls happily smiling. At least today is going off without a hitch. I scanned the room and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Kyoya.

I wonder what he needs today? I started to walk towards him. Then I saw Kyoya's head move and his glasses hit the floor. I moved over to see the man in front of him, his dad. What? Who would hit their kid?

The club was silent staring at them just like I was. Until Haruhi finally came closer to them. I felt frozen from the shock. The room was tense but I was staring at the angriest person, Kyoya's father.

I walked to them as Haruhi had finished up. I bent over and gently picked up Kyoya's glasses. I grabbed his hand and placed his glasses in them.

His father swiftly turned and walked away from us. So much for an easy day...


Tamaki stood at the top of the stairs frowning. Beside him stood a girl with dark orange hair that had a sly smirk on her face. That isn't how Tamaki acts. Tamaki sighed, "After this fair, the host club will be disbanded."

All of us stood in shock. Even Haruhi who had finally hit her guest quota today. Disband this club... I can sense there's some trouble brewing.


We were ready for the finale to the fair. But I wasn't focused. I felt anger from the pits of my stomach. All due to that girl Eclair. Her taking Tamaki and taking my whole secondary family away with her.

I watched all of the hosts dress up. Everyone was getting into medieval-styled fashion. I called out to each of the dressing rooms, yet Tamaki wasn't in any of them.

I called out, "Guys, where's Tamaki?!"

Kyoya angrily stated, "Already?!" With that, the guys started running around. I chased after everyone, but people split up so I went with Haruhi and my brothers.

We all climbed into the carriage. We raced as fast as we could after Eclair and Tamaki in the red car. Hikaru was handling the horse while the rest of us were in the back.

Kaoru asked, "Hikaru, don't you think we should slow down? Somebody could get hurt."

Hikaru explained, "We're not slowing down until we get the boss back!"

Kaoru continued, "But Hikaru..."

Hikaru went on, "If it wasn't for Tamaki then the two of us would still only be lost souls! We were able to become friends with Haruhi and the others because the host club brought us together. To think that it could all end so suddenly like this... Is something that I can't tolerate!"

Hikaru solemnly went on, "It even gave me time to rekindle with Autumn! Even with all the rough patches along the way."

Then it happened, we hit a rough bump.

It sent Hikaru into the pumpkin patch. Kaoru hopped off and ran to his aid. After a few moments of hesitation, Haruhi hopped forward to become the driver.

I called out, "Come on, let's do this Haruhi!" With that, she cracked the reigns again.

Then it was a leap of faith with the edge of the cliff. We roughly hit the pavement. Tamaki called out, "Haruhi! Autumn!" He exclaimed, "What are you guys doing?! This is dangerous! Stop the carriage now!"

Haruhi called out, "Senpai, please come back to Ouran!"

He continued, "I mean it! Stop the carriage."

Haruhi leads us up even closer. I offer my hand to Tamaki while the other lightly gripped the rail. I went, "All of us would be completely lost without you, Tamaki."

Tamaki solemnly said, "But they... They all said they were put out by the host club."

I commented, "You really are an idiot!"

Haruhi exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?! After all this time we've been together, you still can't tell when we're joking and when we're serious?!"

I added, "Everyone loves being in the Host Club! We really do! Even me!"

Haruhi commented, "I love being part of the host club too."

Tamaki reached out to take my hand but Eclair stopped him. Haruhi started to lose control of the horses. The carriage began grinding against the side rail. Tamaki called out, "Guys?!"

Then I lost my footing. I slipped and got tossed over the rail. As I felt the few moments of being airborne my adrenaline kicked in. Then I noticed Tamaki following after me, "Autumn!"

His hand was extended towards me. I reached out for his, "Tamaki!" I grabbed his in hand. He pulled us together. He placed his arm behind my neck and around my head. I hugged him in return. Then we hit the water.

As we walked to the bank he said, "That was reckless. You have to be more careful. Look at you, you're soaking wet."

I smiled at this. I said, "Any way you look at it, it was worth it." We smiled at one another.

Then I heard, "Tama-Chan! Sun-Chan!"

My brothers in unison went, "Hey, boss!"

Haruhi called out, "Senpais!"

I heard Kyoya mumble, "He's such a fool."

I headed to Honey. He pouted, "Come on, let's hurry up. With wet clothes on you and Tama-Chan will freeze."


I stood against the wall watching the people at the ball dance. I felt a smile grace my face watching people look at Haruhi surprised. It seemed like nobody noticed it was her. They just thought the host Haruhi had gotten sick.

Honey walked over to me, "I think dark green looks good on you." I giggled and looked down at the knee-length dry dress I now wore.

I smiled, "Thanks so much, Honey."

He shook his head, "You can call me Mitsukuni, Autumn."

I felt my cheeks heat up, "M-Mitsukuni."

Then there was a noise. I turned to see fireworks going off. He pulled me in for a hug. He whispered, "I love you, Autumn."

A/n: Below are some draft notes preplans for the chapter from June 1, 2020.
Oh, how the tables turned before publishing...
-Tamaki was promised to Eclair yet finally realized he loves Autumn-
-Host Club never disbands cause of their deep love and care-
-Kyoya loves her but leaves the pair to their happiness-
This is not what has occurred or will occur. Autumn is ending up with Honey. This was just the drafts from June of last year.

Originally Published: February 17, 2021
Most Recently Updated: February 19, 2021

Auburn Sunshine (Ouran OHSHC) (Hitachiin Twins (Triplets))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ